FCI general awareness questions and aswers

FCI general awareness questions and aswers,FCI previous years solved question papers FCI aptitude ,general ability questions,reasoningcurrent affairs questions with answers
FCI latest general awareness question papers
1. Which among the following body promoted securities Trading Corporation of India Limited (STCI) jointly with the Public sector Banks?
(a) SEBI
(b) Reserve bank Of India-Answer
© IDBI Ltd.
(d) ICICI Ltd
2. The state bank of India (Amendment) Bill-2010, which was passed in the parliament in the latter half of 2010, apart from other things, reduces the statutory minimum shareholding of the Central Government in the bank from ­________ to ______ %, which among the following set of figures fills the blank correctly?
(a) 59, 52
(b) 55, 51-Answer
(c) 59, 55
(d) 62, 51
3. What do we call an agreement whereby an issuing Bank at the request of the Importer (Buyer) undertakes to take payment to the exporter (Beneficiary) against stipulated documents?
(a) Bill of exchange
(b) Letter of Exchange
(c) Letter of Credit-Answer
(d) Bill of entry
4. Mutual funds are regulated in India by which among the following?
(a) RBI
(b) SEBI-Answer
(c) Stock exchanges
(d) RBI and SEBI both
5. Which of the following country was the host of First Asian Yoga Championship held recently?
(a) Thailand-Answer
(b) Cambodia
(c) Vietnam
(d) Laos
6. Which among the following body authorizes the credit limit to the National Co-operative Marketing Federation?
(a) RBI
(b) Department of Agriculture
(c) NABARD-Answer
(d) Department of Finance
7. Which among the following duties is applied by a government to control the exports of a commodity, so that the commodity can be used by the local markets than in foreign countries?
(a) Custom duty-Answer
(b) Excise Duty
(c) Anti dumping duty
(d) Dumping Duty
8. We read in the newspapers that the foreign direct Investments are preferred over the Capital Inflow. In this context, please consider the following.
1. FDI brings in latest technology
2. FDI does not involve large outflow
3. FDI improves efficiency of the economy
Which among the above is/are most suitable reason/reasons for the given statement?
(a) Only 1-Answer
(b) Only 1 & 3
© Only 1 & 2
(d) All 1, 2 & 3
9. Which among the following body finalizes the market-borrowing programmers of State Governments in India?
(a) State Governments
(b) RBI
(Union Ministry of Finance
(d) Planning Commission-Answer
10. Which among the following is the only correct statement?
(a) Money market meets long term financing needs
(b) Recession in industrial sector in India is normally due to fall in exports
© Ways and means advances is given by RBI are nowhere related to state’s revenue-Answer
(d) Exchange rate is fixed by RBI
11. Which among the following is the top dividend paying company of India, as per a study done by economic Times?
(a) ONGC-Answer
(d) IOC
12. Many a times we read in the newspapers hat the Government of India signs DTAA to broaden the scope of article of exchange of information to include exchange of banking information. What does the DTSS refers to here?
(a) DTAA taxation article agreement
(b) Double taxation avoidance agreement-Answer
© Double taxation avoidance arrangements
(d) Dual tax agreement arrangement
13. What does the Canada India Research U.S. refer to?
(a) A business forum
(b) A nuclear reactor
© A scientific research group
(d) A proposed space research organization.-Answer
14. Which among the following decides the oil Prices in India?
(a) Government of India
(b) Government of Respective states
© Ministry of Petroleum
(d) Oil Companies-Answer
15. Consider the following statements in context with Treasury Bulls?
1. They are issued by Government of India on behalf of RBI
2. They are mostly for short term borrowings
3. Treasury Bills cannot be purchased by any person resident of India
Which among the above is/are correct?
(a) All are correct
(b) 2 & 3 are correct
(c) Only 2 is correct-Answer
(d) Only 3 is correct
16. Which among the following is India’s largest indigenous Research and Production Nuclear Reactor?
(a) Apsara
(b) Dhurva-Answer
© Kamini
17. Bring out the only incorrect statement:
(a) Reserve Repo operation by RBI aims are injecting/increasing liquidity
(b) SDR refers to special drawing
© Rupee appreciation results in decrease in imports-Answer
(d) Increase in inflation rate leads to decline in real interest rate
18. Which among the following is headed by Justice Lokeshwar Singh Panta?
(a) Arms forces Tribunal
(b) National Green Tribunal-Answer
© Debt Recovery tribunal
(d) Central Administrative tribunal
19. Christine Lagarde, who recently headed the G-20 meeting of Finance Ministers and Governors of Central Banks, Is the Finance minister of which among the following countries?
(a) Australia
(b) France-Answer
© Italy
(d) Germany
20. Consider the following statements:
1. Increase in deposit rate results in higher savings
2. Increase in deposit rate results in fall in credit off takes
3. Increase in deposit rate results in increase in investment which among the above statement/statements is /are correct?
(a) 1 &2
(b) 1 & 3-Answer
© 1, 2, 3
(d) Only 1
21. Which among the following is not a feature of the proposed Companies Bill 2009?
(a) Limit on the number of the subsidiary companies
(b) Rotation of the auditors
© Reduction in the types of the companies’ categories-Answer
(d) Proposal Of national company law tribunal;
22. The universal service obligation fund (USOF) has been established under which among the following departments of Government of India?
(a) Department of Consumer Affairs
(b) Department of Industrial policy and Promotion
© Department of Telecommunication-Answer
(d) Department of Economic Affairs
23. Kuno Palpur Wildlife Sanctuary, which is being proposed as a new home for some relocated Gir lions from Gujarat, is located in which among the following states.
(a) Maharashtra
(b) Madhya Pradesh-Answer
© Orissa
(d) Rajasthan
24. Which among the following sports is NOT a part of the London Olympics?
(a) Tackwondo
(b) Baseball-Answer
© Table Tennis
(d) Triathlon
25. We read the various newspapers that during the period from June, 20009 to September 2010, the Ministry of Road transport and Highways have achieved a target of constructing on an average 12.01 km of National Highways per day. However, this achievement if shorter compared to the target of constructing 20 km of Highways per day. To achieve this target, it is time approximately ________ of works are under way. Which among the following fills the blank correctly?
(a) 10000 km
(b) 15000 km
© 20000 km-Answer
(d) 25000 km
26. Who among the following has been defeated by Saina Nehwal, who has won the Swiss open grand Prix Gold title recently, becoming the First Indian to do so?
(a) Ji Hyun Sung-Answer
(b) Wang Lin
© Kamila Rytter Juhl
(d) Shinta Mulia Juhl
27. Which among the following correctly defines the Net Interest Income?
(a) Interest earned on advances
(b) Interest earned on investments
© Total interest earned on advances on advances and investment
(d) Difference between interest earned and interest paid-Answer
28. Where is going to be established the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of education fro Peace and Sustainable development (MGIEP), the latest & first category-I institute of UNECO in South Asia?
(a) New Delhi-Answer
(b) Ahmadabad
© Mumbai
(d) Pune
29. Anant Pai, better known as ‘Uncle Pai’, who recently died was the creator of which among the following comic series?
(a) Chacha Choudhary
(b) Amar Chitra katha-Answer
© Chandamama
(d) Indrajaal
30. Which among the following is not a Nonpermanent member of United Nations Security Council for the Period of 1 January 2011 -31 December 2012?
(a) Nigeria-Answer
(b) Germany
© Portugal
(d) Columbia
31. In which among the following types comes the Interest Rate Risk?
(a) Credit risk
(b) Market risk-Answer
© Operational risk
(d) All the above categories
32. Where was held the 98th Indian Science Congress in early 2011?
(a) Hyderabad
(b) Chennai-Answer
© Kochi
(d) Kolkata
33. Which among the following international sports body had unveiled an anti-corruption committee to enhance credibility and increase transparency?
(a) International Cricket Council
(b) International Olympic Committee
© FIFA-Answer
(d) Commonwealth Games Federation.
34. E.S. L. Narasimhan is the Governor of which among the following states?
(a) Karnataka
(b) Andhra Pradesh-Answer
© Tamil Nadu
(d) Kerala
35. When there is an inflationary trend in the economy what would be trend in the pricing of the Bank products?
(a) Increasing trend-Answer
(b) Decreasing trend
© Constant trend
(d) There is no relevance of the inflation in pricing of the Banking Products
36. In which among the following courts, Chennai open is played?
(a) Clay court
(b) Grass court
(c) Hard court-Answer
(d) Carpet court
37. Which of the following countries is located the temple of Preah Vihear, one of the famous world Heritage sites?
(a) Thailand
(b) Myanmar
© Cambodia-Answer
(d) Vietnam
38. Which among the following body gives the Pritzker Prize, the Nobel of Architecture every year?
(a) Wolf foundation
(b) Hyatt Foundation-Answer
© Royal Institute of British architects
(d) Leading European Architects Forum
39. Which among the following is the correct character of the Foreign Exchange Markets?
(a) Foreign Exchange markets are localized markets
(b) Foreign exchange markets operate within a country’s time zone
© Foreign exchange markets are dynamic and round the clock markets-Answer
(d) Foreign exchange markets are used only for trade related transactions
40. Who among the following headed the forest Rights Act review Committee that submitted its report in the first half of 2010?
(a) Syeda hameed
(b) Narender Jadhav
© Arun Maira
(d) N C Saxena-Answer
41. Who among the following is the chairman of National Knowledge Commission?
(a) Sam Pitroda-Answer
(b) Deepak Nayyar
© Nandan Nilkeni
(d) Dr. Pushp Bhargav
42. Suchitra Mitra, who died recently, was an artist of which among the following types of Music?
(a) Hindustani classical-Answer
(b) Carnatric Music
© Rabindra sangeet
(d) Pakistani Classical
43. After Uttar Pradesh, which among the following states has the maximum share in the total Route Km of Indian Railways?
(a) Rajasthan-Answer
(b) Maharashtra
© Andhra Pradesh
(d) Gujrat
44. In which of the following states of India is located a tiger reserve, which is also a World Heritage site?
(a) Rajasthan
(b) Asom-Answer
© Madhya Pradesh
(d) Uttar Pradesh
45. Which among the following Industrial Policy resolution/ statement was based upon the Mahalanobis Model of growth?
(a) Industrial Policy resolution – 1956-Answer
(b) Industry Policy statement – 1973
© Industrial Policy statement -1977
(d) Banking Policy 1969
46. in which of the following states, maximum Coast Guard stations have been established in India?
(a) Foreign Trade promotion Board
(b) Department of Commerce
© RBI-Answer
(d) SEBI
48. In which of the following states of India, world’s first Global Center for Nuclear energy Partnership was started a few months back?
(a) Rajasthan
(b) Kerala
© Haryana-Answer
(d) Uttar Pradesh
49. In which of the following states of India, there is no petroleum chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment region (PCPIR)?
(a) Asom-Answer
(b) Andhra Pradesh
© Gujrat-Answer
(d) West Bengal
50. Which among the following is correct about the Vostro Account?
(a) It is an account maintained by a foreign bank with a bank in India in Indian Rupees.-Answer
(b) It is an account maintained by an Indian bank with a bank in foreign country in foreign currency
© It is an account maintained by a Indian Bank Branch with a Foreign Bank in Foreign currency.
(d) It is an account maintained by a Foreign bank Branch with a Indian bank in foreign currency.
51. The term ‘round-tripping’ often appears in financial news these days. What does it mean?
(a) Importing products that are not easily available in the domestic markets
(b) Indian companies re-exporting imported products without any value addition
© Bringing back illicit money hidden abroad by Indian s under a different name-Answer
(d) Imposing high customs duty to discourage dumping of goods in Indian market
52. Infant Mortality rate (IMR) data for high focus states (states where IMR is above national average) is collected once every five years. The union Health Ministry has now decided to collect such data __________.
(a) half-yearly
(b) Annually-Answer
© Once every two years
(d) Once every three years
53. The government has tasked three institutions to conduct studies to estimate the quantum of illicit funds generated by Indian citizens recently. Which of the following is not among one of the three institutions selected?
(a) National Institute of Public Finance and Policy
(b) National Institute of Bank Management-Answer
(c) National institute of Finance Management
(d) National Council of Applied Economic Research
54. Which of the following statements is/are correct about ‘gender-critical’ districts on the basis of the census 2001 data?
1. There are 262 gender critical districts or cities in the country
2. Madhya Pradesh has the highest number of gender critical districts or cities
3. Kerala is the only state which does not have any gender critical district or city
(a) I only-Answer
(b) 1 &2 only
(c) 2 only
(d) 3 and 1 only
55. India announced that it was taking steps to reduce the” sensitive lists” of items for trade with SAARC countries recently. Which of the following is correct about items in “sensitive lists”?
(a) Items which are costlier to produce in India
(b) Items whose import leads to lower prices for Indian consumer
(c) Items whose import reduces the market share of domestic producers-Answer
(d) Items which are injurious to health such as tobacco and alcohol
56. Which country’s gold output of 30.88 tonnes was the highest in the world in 2010?
(a) Canada
(b) South Africa
© China-Answer
(d) USA
57. Government of India has launched a publicity campaign for census 2011 in association with which of the following UN organization?
(a) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
(b) World Health Organization (WHO)
© Untied Nations Children’s Fund -Answer
(d) United Nations Population Fund (UNPF)
58. Which of the following pairs of multinational retailing companies and the countries where they are headquartered is/are correctly matched?
I. Mero-germany
II. Walmart- USA
III. Tesco- United Kingdom
IV. Carrefour – France
(a) I and III only
(b) I, II and III
(c) IV, I and II
(d) I, II, III and IV-Answer
59. Which advertising agency was in news recently fro creating the “Enumerator’ mascot fro Census 2011?
(a) Bates 141
(b) DDB India-Answer
© JWT India
(d) Reinfusion – Y & R
60. Which of the following statements about Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is/are correct as per the data released by the Register-General of India (RGI) recently?
I. IMR has declined from 53 in 2008 to 50 in 2009
II. Decline in IMR in urban areas is more than in rural areas
III. IMR is the lowest in Kerala
(a) I only-Answer
(b) I and II only
(c) II only
(d) I, II and III
61. Which of the following statements about Indent Mortality rate (IMR) is/are correct as per the data released by the Register-General of India (RGI) recently?
I. IMR is highest in Madhya Pradesh
II. Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target is to reduce IMR to 30 by 2015
III. Nine states have IMR above the national average
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) II only
(d) I,II and III-Answer
62. S. Sundar Committee was in news recently for its report on which of the following?
(a) Land Acquisition Act, 1894
(b) Copyright Act, 1957
© Right to Information Act, 2005
(d) Motor vehicles Act, 1988-Answer
63. Which of the following statements is/are correct about the Tourist Visa on Arrival (TVOA) scheme introduced to promote foreign tourist arrivals in India recently?
1. The TVOA is allowed for a maximum validity of 30 days with single entry facility at metros
2. TVOA is allowed for a maximum of two times in a calendar year
3. There should be a minimum gap of six months between each visit
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 2 only
© 2 only
(d) 3 and 1 only-Answer
64. Global Employment Trends 2011 report of the International Labour Organization (ILO) was released recently. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
I. The number of unemployed increased in 2010.
II. The global unemployment rate declined in 2010
III. Labour productivity improved in 2010
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) II and III only-Answer
(d) III and I only
65. ‘Committed to Improving the state of the world’ is the motto of which of the following?
(a) Transparency International
(b) World bank
© Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(d) World Economic Forum-Answer
66. Which of the following statements about economic growth forecast made by the IMF in January 2011 is/are correct?
I. Global growth forecast for 2011 is below 4%
II. Growth forecast for India 2011 is 8.4%
III. Growth forecast for china is higher than for India in 2011
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) II and III only-Answer
(d) III and I only
67. Global Employment Trends 2011 report of the international Labour Organization (ILO) was released recently. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
I. The number of people employed in industry declined while the number of those employed in agriculture increased in 2009
II. The number of unemployed youth (aged 15-24) declined in 2010
III. Global youth unemployment rate increased in 2010
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) III and I only
(d) I, II and III-Answer
68. Which of the following is/are correctly matched after RBI’s ‘Third Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2010-11’ on January 26, 2011?
I. Repo rate – 6.5%
II. Reserve Repo rate – 5.5%
III. Cash Reserve Ratio – 6%
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) II and III only
(d) I, II and III-Answer
69. The union finance Ministry raised the tax collection target for 2010-11 to _________ recently.
(a) Rs 782000 crore-Answer
(b) Rs 834000 crore
© Rs 871000 crore
(d) Rs 902000 crore
70. Which of the following statements is/are correct according to UNCTAD Global Investment Trend Monitor report unveiled recently?
I. Global flows of FDI exceeded $1 trillion in 2010
II. FDI flows to developed economics was lower than to developing economics in 2010
III. FDI flow to India declined in 2010
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) II and III only
(d) III and I only-Answer
71. Which of the following became the first oil & Gas Company to find shale gas deposits in India recently?
(a) Reliance Industries Ltd.
(b) Carin India
© Essar Oil
(d) ONGC-Answer
72. ‘Anushakti Vidhyut Nigam Ltd’ was incorporated as a joint venture between Nuclear power Corporation of India Ltd and which of the following recently?
(a) NMDC
(b) NHPC
(d) NTPC-Answer
73. Which of the following statements about India’s urban population is/are correct as per the Census of India, 2001?
I. The Census of India, 2001 estimates that 47.81 percent of total population lives in urban areas of the country
II. The projected urban population in India as on March 1, 2011 is at 357 million.
III. Among the four meters, Greater Mumbai has the highest percentage of its population living in slums
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) I and III only
(d) II and III only-Answer
74. Consider the following pairs of coffee retailing companies having presence in India and their countries of origin are correctly matched?
I. Costa Coffee – Spain
II. Gloria Jean’s –USA
III. Barista – India
IV. Starbucks – USA
(a) I and III only
(b) I, II and III
(c) II, III and IV-Answer
(d) IV, I and II
75. Which of the following pairs of Large banks and their countries of origin is/are correctly matched?
I. Mizuho Holdings – Japan
II. Grupo Santander – Belgium
III. BNP Paribhas – France
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) II and III only
(d) III and I only-Answer
76. Which of the following companies belonging to the Tata Group has not been acquired from abroad?
(a) Corus
(b) Hispano Carrocera
© Jaguar Land Rover
(d) Trent-Answer
77. Software made by which company will be used in scanning and processing of Census 2011 data?
(a) NetApp, Inc
(b) Juniper Networks
© Top image Systems-Answer
(d) Atos Origin
78. Match list I with II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists:
List I List II
(Tablet PC) (Company)
A. Playbook 1. Dell
B. Galaxy Tab 2. Research in Motion
C. Streak 3. Life book-Answer
D. Fujitsu 4. Samsung
Code: ABC
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 4 1 3 2
(c) 2 4 1 3Answer
(d) 2 4 3 2-
79. Which of the following is a sufficient condition of identification of a district as ‘gender critical’ district according to Census of India?
I. Women participation in work is less than 20 percent.
II. Female literacy is less than 30 percent
III. Sex ratio is less than 900
(a) I and II only
(b) II and III only
(c) II only
(d) III and I only-Answer
80. Which of the following was founded in 1956 by the Government of India with funding from the Ford Foundation?
(a) National Institute of Public Finance and Policy
(b) National Institute of Bank Management
© National institute Of Financial Management
(d) National Council of Applied Economic research-Answer
81. What was the theme of the annual world economic Forum (WEF) meeting organized in Davos, Switzerland recently?
(a) Shaping the Post-Crisis World.
(b) Improve the state of the world: rethink, Redesign, rebuild
© Shared Norms for a New Reality-Answer
(d) The power of collaborative Innovation
82. Which of the following has a 51:49 joint venture with Japanese automobile company Nissan for manufacturing light commercial vehicles in India?
(a) Tata Motors
(b) Ashok Leyland
© Mahindra & Mahindra
(d) Bajaj Auto-Answer
83. Which of the following is not a pharmaceutical company?
(a) Novartis
(b) Eli Lilly
© Diageo-Answer
(d) Sanofi Aventis
84. Which of the following has decided to dins satya Elementary schools fro underprivileged children in rural India?
(a) Apple
(b) Google
© Microsoft
(d) Oracle
85. Which of the following are consulting firms in the real estate sector?
I. Jones Lang Lasalle
II. C B Richard Ellis
III. Forrester
IV. Cushman & Wakefield
(a) I and II only
(b) I, II and III only
(c) I, II and IV only-Answer
(d) II, III and IV only
86. Which of the following is the densest city in Asia as per the Asian Green City Index unveiled recently?
(a) Mumbai-Answer
(b) Chennai
(c) Delhi
(d) Kolkata
87. Which of the following started production at India’s largest naphtha cracker project recently?
(a) ONGC
(b) Essar Oil
© Indian Oil-Answer
(d) Reliance Industries Ltd
88. The Central Statistics Office (CSO) released the Quick estimate of national income, consumption expenditure, saving and capital formation for the financial year 2009-10 recently. Which of the following figures [at the factor cost at constant (2004-05) Prices] is/are correct?
I. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2009-10 exceeded Rs 50, 00,000 crore
II. Gross National Income (GNI) in 2009-10 was less than GDP
III. Per Capita National Income in 2009-10 was more than Rs 30,000
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) I and III only
(d) II and III only-Answer
89. China emerged as the world’s second largest economy in 2010 overtaking_________
(a) France
(b) Britain
© Germany
(d) Japan-Answer
90. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) completed has many years of operation recently?
(a) 3 years
(b) 4 years
© 5 years-Answer
(d) 6 years
91. Which of the following has made the largest inbound foreign direct investment in India till date?
(a) BP Plc
(b) Vodafone-Answer
© Dailchi Sankyo
(d) Vedanta Resources
92. Which core sector industry has the highest weight in the index of Industrial Production (IIP)?
(a) Crude Oil
(b) Petroleum refinery Products
© Coal
(d) Electricity-Answer
93. An International Advisory Panel (IAP) reviewed the functioning of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) recently. A number of districts have been identified on basis of poor health indicators for focused attention. Which of the following statements is/ are correct?
I. the number of beneficiaries under the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) was more than 15 million during 2009-10
II. The number of districts identified is 264
III. The districts identified for focused attention account for nearly 70% of the infant and material deaths in the country
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) II only
(d) II and III only-Answer
94 . Which of the following statements about South Korean steel company POSCO’s $12 billion project in India is/are correct?
I. The project received conditional clearance from the Union Environment Ministry recently
II. It sit he single largest FDI in India approved till date.
III. The project involves construction of 14 million tone steel plant in Sinhbhum district of Jharkhand
(a) I only
(b) I and II only-Answer
(c) II only
(d) III and I only
95. Which of the following statements about the 11th Delhi Sustainable Development summit organized recently is/are correct?
I. “Tapping Local Initiatives and Tackling Global Inertia” was the them of the summit
II. The summit organized by the National Environmental Engineering research Institute
III. Jairam Ramesh was conferred with the sustainable development Leadership Award
(a) I only-Answer
(b) I and II only
(c) II only
(d) II and III only
96. The District Information System for Education (DISE) report on Universal Elementary Education (UEE) was released recently. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
I. Average Number of Instructional Days in 2009-10 was less than 200
II. Average number of classrooms in ALL schools was more than 4 in 2009-10
III. Average Number of classrooms in Primary Schools was more than 3 in 2009-10
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) II only
(d) II and III only-Answer
97. The district Information System for education (DISE) report on Universal Elementary Education (UEE) was released recently. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
I. Average Number of Classrooms in All Government Schools was less than 4 in 2009-10
II. Average Number of Classrooms in All Private Schools was less tan 7 in 2009-10
III. Average Student-Classroom Ration (SCR) for all schools was less than 35 in 2009-10
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) II only
(d) I and III only-Answer
98. ASBA (application Supported by Blocked Amounts) is a term used in which of the following sectors?
(a) Aviation
(b) Real Estate
© Insurance
(d) Capital Markets-Answer
99. Logo and website of National Knowledge Network (NKN) was Launched recently. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
I. NKN was launched in 2009
II. NKN will facilitate technology transfer from research institutions to industry
III. NKN is jointly funded by Ministry of Science and Technology and the CII
(a) I only-Answer
(b) I and II only
(c) II only
(d) II and III only
100. The Central Statistics Office (CSO) released the Quick estimates of national income, consumption expenditure, saving and capital formation for the financial year 2009-10 recently. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
I. Gross Domestic Savings in 2009-10 were 33% of GDP
II. Gross Domestic Savings in 2009-10 grew 22.7% over 2008-09
III. Private Corporate Sector Savings in 2009-10
(a) I only
(b) I and II only-Answer
(c) I and III only
(d) I, II and III only

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