Aricent aptitude and interview procedure

Aricent aptitude and interview procedure

Aricent Selection process and written test pattern

Aricent conducted on on line tests which consists four sections
1.Verbal ability
2.Quantitative Aptitude
3. Logical Reasoning
4. Technical questions
Aptitude and reasoning questions were easy. The computer section technical questions was little bit difficult…pseudo code output error questions

After clearing Aricent aptitude test next section was Aricent group discussion GD

GD – group consisted 8 to 10 people. The topics for the gd was chosen by the group itself

The topics are
Rupees vs Dollar.
Rights of Women etc.
Sex Education.
Impact of Indian Cinema on Youth.

Aricent Technical round and HR round

Technical was next day it was lengthy

Basic Concepts (with programming) was asked in C, C++, Java and Data Structures.

Basics of Networking is also important. But. One must know how to write program in any of the languages.

Some of the Programs asked were :

Reversal of string, Fibonacci, Stack, Queue, Linked List, Factorials. Etc. Easy but should be revised.

The H.R. Round was merely a formality for many of us barring a few who were really grilled. It also had obvious questions and the Aricent team was very friendly.

It began with an Introduction followed by the history of Aricent. They also asked us why we chose Aricent and if shifting to South was a problem. It lasted for about 15 to 20 mins on an average.