Daffodil Placement-Paper

All question mentioned below are memory based, there were other questions too
which i don’t remember
q1:write a program to print following
q1:write a program to print following output from given input
input: aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj
output: bbb aaa ddd ccc fff eee hhh ggg jjj iii
q1:write a program for preorder traversal of a tree?
objective selection:
q: which is not used for sorting?
a) selection
b) deletion
c) exchange
d) insertion
q: which is not memory management scheme?
a) buddy system
b) paging
q: which is the collection of program and used to create and maiontain database??
a) dbms
b) db
c) dba
d) all
there were option for these output questions i have not mentioned them
q: write output of following
static int var=5;

q: write output of following
q: write output of following
float u=1.1;
double me=1.1;
printf(“i love you”);
(“i hate u”);
q: the present average age in an adult school is 44. now 120 more students get
admitted if average of 32,due to which average age of school gets down by
4. so what is the number of students ion school???
q: the current ratio of the age of husband and wife is 4:3.after 4 years it becomes 9:7
and at the time of their marriage it was 5:?(i don’t remember the exact figure)
then from, how many years they are married???
q: if A=2+1/a and B=a+1/2,if A=B then what should be the value of a?
q: complete the series