HSBC new and latest placement paper logical reasoning question with answers for practice, HSBC selection procedure has on line written aptitude test it includes verbal ability, English questions aptitude and reasoning questions and HSBC next section was technical questions programming questions Here some questions for learn and practice for HSBC placements. HSBC previous years and last years candidates experiences for preparing HSBC interview technical hr procedure
Logical Reasoning Questions For HSBC
1 Which two are same t56we12 t56we34 t56ew34 t56we12
A :1st and 2nd are same
B :2nd and 3rd are same
C :1st and 4th are same
D :no two are same
Answer: C
2 Which two are same 2345123 1234321 234123 3213211
A :1st and 2nd are same
B :2nd and 3rd are same
C :3rd and 4th are same
D :no two are same
Answer: D
3 Which two are same rrrrppppttt rrrpppppttt rrrrppppttt rrrrpppptttt
A :1st and 2nd are same
B :1st and 3rd are same
C :1st and 4nd are same
D :no two are same
Answer: B
4 Which two are same aabbbbdd aaabbbddd aaabbbddd aaabbbdd
A :1st and 2nd are same
B :1st and 3rd are same
C :2nd and 3rd are same
D :No two are same
Answer: C
5 Which two are same 12332111 12331211 12332111 12332121
A :1st and 2nd are same
B :1st and 3rd are same
C :2nd and 3rd are same
D :no two are same
Answer: B
6 If “÷” means “x”, “+” means “÷”, “-” means “+” and “x” means “-“, then what will be the value of 13×3÷4+2-7 ?
A :4
B :10
C :14
D :38
Answer: C
13-3×4÷2+7 = 14
7 If “÷” means “+”, “-” means “÷”, “x” means “-” and “+” means “x”, then what will be the value of 20÷10×5-4+2 ?
A :30
B :28
C :27.5
D :27
Answer: C
8 If “+” means “/”, “/” means “-“, “-” means “x” and “x” means “+”, then what will be the value of 13/3+1-2×4 ?
A :10
B :25
C :20
D :none
Answer: D
9 If “÷” means “+”, “-” means “÷”, “x” means “-” and “+” means “x”, then what will be the value of 12-2+8×4÷3 ?
A :23
B :28
C :56
D :none
Answer: D
12/2×8-4+3 = 47
10 If “+” means “%”, “%” means “÷”, “÷” means “x” and “x” means “+”, then what will be the value of 26×6+4÷8%2 ?
A :34
B :38
C :2
D :56
Answer: A
11 The length of trains of traveling at 90km/hr crosses train B in 32 seconds.
A. Train A traveling at 90 km/hr crosses train B in 32 seconds.
B. Train A and B are not traveling in the opposite directions.
A :question can be answered by using one of the statements alone, but cannot be answered by using the other statement alone
B :question can be answered by using either statement alone.
C :questions can be answered by using both the statements together, but cannot be answered by using either statement alone
D :question cannot be answered even by using both the statements together.
Answer: A
12 What is the value of the two digit positive integer N?
A. Four times N is 48 less than the square of the smallest two digit number.
B. N is a prime number whose square lies between 150 and 250.
A :question can be answered by using one of the statements alone, but cannot be answered by using the other statement alone.
B :question can be answered by using either statement alone.
C :questions can be answered by using both the statements together, but cannot be answered by using either statement alone.
D :question cannot be answered even by using both the statements together.
Answer: B
13 What is the price of mangoes per kg?
I. Ten kg of mangoes and two dozens of oranges cost Rs. 252.
II. Two kg of mangoes could be bought in exchange for one dozen oranges.
A :Question can be answered by using statement A alone but not by using B alone
B :Question can be answered by using statement B alone but not by using A alone.
C :question can be answered by using both the statements together, but cannot be answered using either statement alone.
D :Question cannot be answered even by using both the statements together.
Answer: C
14 ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. Is ABCD a rectangle?
A. AB||CD.
B. ∠ A + ∠ C = 180
A :question can be answered by using one of the statements alone, but cannot be answered by using the other statement alone.
B :question can be answered by using either statement alone.
C :questions can be answered by using both the statements together, but cannot be answered by using either statement alone.
D :question cannot be answered even by using both the statements together.
Answer: D
15 LCM of two numbers A & a B is & is and HCF is 12. What is the number B?
I. A is not a factor B.
II. B is greater than A.
A :question can be answered by using any of the statements alone but not by using the other statement alone
B :question can be answered only by using either of the statements alone.
C :question can be answered only by using both the statements together.
D :question cannot be answered.
Answer: C
Six persons Binoy, Charu, Alex, Danny, Elan, and Firoze are sitting in two rows, facing each other, with three in each. Elan is not at the end of any rows. Danny is second to the left of Firoze.Alex the neighbour of Elan is sitting diagonally opposite to Danny. Charu is the neighbour of Firoze.
16 Who is facing Firoze?
A :Elan
B :Binoy
C :Danny
D :Alex
Answer: D
seating arrangement
17 After exchanging seats with Elan, who will be the neighbours of Danny in the new position?
A :Alex and Binoy
B :Firoze and Binoy
C :Alex and Charu
D :None of the above
Answer: A
Seating Arrangement
18 Which of the following are sitting diagonally opposite to each other?
A :Binoy and Elan
B :Firoze and Binoy
C :Danny and Elan
D :Elan and Charu
Answer: C
19 Which of the following are in the same row?
A :Binoy, Firoze
B :Danny, Elan
C :Alex, Charu
D :Elan, Alex, Binoy
Answer: D
Kris, an undercover agent, wanted to create a password for his mail account. The password is to be made from 5 letters – P, Q, R, S and T. The following are the conditions that he considered while making the password:
(a) None of the letters can be repeated, except R.
(b) If Q is used, T is also used.
(c) If R is in a password, it must be repeated.
(d) P cannot be the first or the last letter of the password.
(e) If T is used, then Q is also used.
20 Which of the following cannot be used on a 2-letter password?
A :R
B :T
C :Q
D :S
Answer: D
R can be used as RR.T can be used with Q and vice-versa. It is only S which cannot be used on a 2 – letter password. Since the only possible letter to go with S is P, but then P will have to be either the first or the last letter, which is not allowed.D
21 Which among the following can be a single-letter password?
A 😛
B :Q
C :S
D :T
Answer: C
P cannot be first or last hence cannot be used as a single –letter password. Q and T must be together, hence cannot beused as a single letter password. Hence, S alone can be used as a single letter password.C
22 If R and S are the first and the last letter respectively of a five letter password, then which of the following cannot be included in the password?
A 😛
B :Q
C :T
D :Cannot be determined
Answer: A
R _ _ _ _ S
R must be repeated, then at most only two places are vacant.
These two places must be filled in by T and Q. P cannot beincluded as the other letter will be either T or Q. none of which can be included alone.A
These questions consists of six statements followed by four sets of three statements each. Select as your answer the set in which the statements are logically related.
23 (A) Some spades are not clubs.
(B) No diamond is a spade.
(C) Some diamonds are spades.
(D) Some clubs are not diamonds.
(E) All spades are clubs.
(F) Some clubs are diamonds.
Answer: B
A: AFC : All the three choices are particular hence no logical relation can exist between them, hence incorrect.
B: DBE : No rule is violated, hencecorrect.
C: BAF: The only order can be BFA and in that the term “Clubs” is not distributed in the premises but it is distributed in the conclusion, hence incorrect.
D: DEA : The term “Clubs” is present in all the three statements, hence incorrect.
24 (A) All batsmen are bowlers.
(B) No bowler is a keeper.
(C) Some bowlers are batsmen.
(D)Some keepers are bowlers.
(E) All keepers are batsmen.
(F) Some batsmen are not keepers.
Answer: D
A: AEC : The term “Batsman” ispresent in all three statements, hence incorrect
B: BFD : The term “Keepers” is present in all three statements, hence incorrect.
C: ADF : Only one statement is negative, hence incorrect.
D: FCB : The correct order is BCF and no rule is violated, hence correct. D
25 (A) All numerals are numericals.
(B) All numerators are numerals.
(C) All numericals are numerators.
(D) All numericals are numerals.
(E) All numerators are numericals
(F) All numerals are numerators.
Answer: D
A: BCA: The correct order could be BCA, BAC or ACB but all of them violate the given rules hence are incorrect.
B: DFA: The term ‘Numerals’ is present in all the statements, hence incorrect.
C: BEF: The term ‘Numerators’ is present in all the statements, hence incorrect.
D: BDC : The correct order is BCD and it does not violate any of the given rules.
D The letters N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are coded by taking seven consecutive integers between 1 and 10. Also, the following information is known:
(i) Q is three less than N.
(ii) The number whose difference with the first number is same as that with the last number is O.
(iii) S is as much less than O as P is greater than Q.
(iv) T is greater than S.
26 Which letter is such that the difference of its integer-code with the integer-code of T is the same as that between the integer-codes of N and S?
A :N
B :O
C 😛
D :Q
Answer: D
Observing the arrangement incase (i):
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
N – S = 7 – 3 = 4
T – x = 8 – x = 4
⇒ x = 4 = Q.
27 If N = 7, then the sum of R and T is
A :8
B :10
C :12
D :14
Answer: B
As N = 7 in the above arrangement, hence
R + T = 2 + 8 = 10
In a zoo, twelve animals, Elephant. Wolf Deer, Bear. Gorilla, Tiger. Antelope, Giraffe, Lion, Chimpanzee, Horse and Zibra are locked in twelve different cages from 1 through 12 (not necessarily in that order.) These cages are on either side of the path. Cages 1 through 6, in that order, are on the left side of the path and the cages 7 through 12, in that order, are on the right side of the path. Cage 1 is opposite Cage 7, Cage 2 is opposite Cage 8 and so on.
The arrangement of the animals is as follows.
1. The Elephant is in the P1 cage and is diagonally opposite to the Wolf which is opposite to theChimpanzee.
2. The Bear is opposite to the Giraffe which is exactly in between the Gorilla and the Antelope.
3. The Deer is opposite to the Lion which is exactly in between the Wolf and the Tiger.
4. The Horse is diagonally opposite to the Chimpanzee.
28 If the Tiger is not opposite to the Gorilla, then which animal is adjacent to the Elephant?
A :Antelope
B :Horse
C :Gorilla
D :Cannot be determined
Answer: C
29 In how many ways can the animals be arranged in the cage?
A :One
B :Two
C :Three
D :Four
Answer: B
30 Which animal is exactly in between the Giraffe and the Deer?
A :Antelope
B :Giraffe
C :Gorilla
D :Cannot be determined
Answer: D
31 If the Elephant is shifted to 12th cage and the Deer is adjacent to the Gorilla then which animal is opposite to the Tiger?
A :Antelope
B :Lion
C :Gorilla
D :Deer
Answer: C
32 Question :
Five items A, B, C, D and E are kept in five different boxes numbered 1 to 5. Exactly one item is kept in each box. C’s box number is as much less than E’s box number as E’s box number is less 1
than A’s box number. D is in box number 4 but not next to E. Then B is in box number
A :3
B :1
C :5
D :4
Answer: C
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