Hi,friends this is rajdeep banerjee from netaji subhash engineering college,kolkata. here  am going to describe my experience in INFOSYS CAMPUS RECRUITMENT DRIVE that was held on 22nd of feb 2008…n i was one of the lucky ones to get selected…

any way first of all friends i wud like to say that don’t be tensed about infosys ..bcoz i personaly think that there on-campus recruitment procedure is easier than that of other companies…

Our aptitude test was held in Rajarhat technoindia college…we arrived there at 8 a.m from 9-15 the p.p.t(pre-placement talk)started..the person from infosys conducting the ppt was very jolly n smart ..he told us abt infy..its projects n all …he also asked everyone to say the logo color of infy ..n told us that wh’wud give the right answer wud definitely get worth Rs.500…

anyway none of us answered correctly…friends the color is “PANTON 285C”..then we were asked to go to respective rooms to sit for aptitude test…friends its consists of two parts one is verbal reasoning n logical ,the other is english..anyway friends be prepared 4 the apti..u can follow verbal n non-verbal reasoning by r.s.agarwal..n u can follow the recent mba entrance papers too…it was easy..the puzzles n quantative reasoning given was not at all difficult..if u ave the ability to solve the puzzles ,,then u can do the trick…now in english  my advice is to solve cat papers  or other mba papers..there were two passages n u have to answer from those..also others were correcting sentence structure..etc..but no synonym or antonym was given  i think it’s not required 4 infy to practise those stuffs..if u r good in english ..then the the paper was dump easy 4 far as i can remember i correctly answer each one..totally 70 marks apti it was..n 40 marks was 4 english…so practise it …anyway time might be the factor of someone..there was no negaive markng…then the result was declared n i was there…we all then went to Techno India ,Saltlake…honestly speaking i was a bit nervous at that time..though i desparately wanted Infy..4 some reason ….

note that in Infy there’s no technical interview…only H.R. interview is there….

when my turn came..i was absolutely tensed.. really my palms were sweating n my heart beat was growing fast…then i entered. .n here is the conversation….

Me: Good Evening mam,
Madam :thank u rajdeep ..pls be seated..
Me: thank u..(n sat with a smile on my lips..)
Madam: here i see u have passed from mahesh sri ramakrishna it a branch of belur math..?
Me: actually it’s not directly connected to it’s connected to other missions..n exlained plainly..
Madam: tell me abt yourself…. my god that was my question i was very much prepared..told about my qualities..,my participation in cultural i worked as a team..n how i inspired hobbies at last…frnd don’t say ur c.v ..say abt urself …think about urself ..ur achievements…n say everything good abt urself…
Madam: do u like to work as a team member or a team leader..??
me:  it’s always been a pleasure to be a part of the team…n if i can be leader then it’ll be cherry over cake…n explained how i worked in local book fair…etc…friends just try to convince them that u r in a position to be a part of the company..u have the dedicated soul …etc …
Madam: have u ever got angry…
Me: don’t try to fool, them n be honest..also give an example how u ot angry at a particular situation n for that reason u did a better that negativity of u ‘ll reflet ur positive personality..that’s the trick…
Madam: do u read story books..ur fav author…
Me: rabindranath tagore…

that was all at last she sighned me a paper n thanked me..i replied my thanks…don’t shake ur hand..unless the interviewer shakes..anyway fortunately i was not asked puzzles…bt friends my advice is to get ready 4 the puzzles..those cud be asked any time…

then after 2 hrs of waiting our name was declared..n i was one of the lucky ones …frm our stream(cse)10 were selected… that’s all over..absolutely i was very happy….  that’s friends getting infy is not the toughest job…u have to believe urself…try to focus on what u r saying..n be positive ..don’t show over-smartness ….best of luck to all of the future INFOSCIONS…..

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