Steria (India ) Ltd.

Steria (India ) Ltd.

It visited Jaipur for centralized (pool) campus recruitment drive from  12/12/2012 , Monday  to 14/12/2012 , Wednesday.

Invited Top 6 colleges of Jaipur :

JECRC  (Jaipur Engineering College and Research Center)

PCE (Poornima College of Engineering)

PIET  (Poornima Institute Of  Engineering and Technology)

GIT  (Global Institute Of Technology)

SKIT  (Swami Keshwananda Institute Of Technology)

VIT  (Vivekananda Institute Of Technology)


Total Student attended  the drive (i.e. given written test)= 1,208

Written Test was conducted on 12th December 2011 at 3 : 00 pm after company’s descript. PPT

Ist Round (Written Test)

Ist round was a written test containing 50 questions to be attempted in 50 minutes only.

There were three Sections :-

Section 1 : Computer Architecture Basics (10 Questions)

Its level was average , containing questions like :

  • Processing speed of CPU is calculated in (Ans – MIPS)
  • Process is (Ans – a program in execution)
  • Convert Hexadecimal no. (say 1110 1011 1000 0011) to decimal
  • Etc.etc.


Sections 2 :  Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal / Non Verbal Reasoning (20 Question)

Level of this section was also average . Preparations for this section can be done easily by

Practicing RS agrawal only  .. and if u get TIMES booklets it will be really good.

There were questions on :

  1. Time and Work
  2. Pipes and Cistern
  3. Time and Clock
  4. Series Completion (Figures)
  5. Arithmetic Reasoning
  6. Trains
  7. Profit and Loss
  8. Ratios
  9. Probability
  10. Simple logical questions

Some sample questions :

1.Sum of three nos is 98. The ratio between 1 and 2 is 2:3. The ratio between 2 and 3 is 5:8 . Find the second no?

2. A car travels uphill at 30 km/hr and downhill at 60 km/hr. It goes 100 km uphill and 50 km downhill. Find the average speed of the car?

3.A batsman’s avg in 12 innings is 24.00 . If his avg is to be double of the no of innings (15 innnings), what  should he score in the remaining three innings (avg)?

4.A man buys 1kg of sandalwood and 1kg of teakwood. He sells one for 10% profit and other for 10% loss.What is total profit/loss percentage?

5. In a class of 250 students, on JAN 2 15% of the girls and 10% of the boys are absent. If on 100% attendance there are 10 boys. Find the percentage present?

6. Mandrake has to choose from 4 from 10 people. There are 3 girls, 5 boys , 2 children. What is total probability that he will choose 1G , 2B , 1C?


Section 3 : Questions on Problems of C Programming Language (20 Questions)

This section was most important part of written test … and its level was  very tough ,

But If u thorough the “Let us c” by Yashwanth Kanithkar,its more than enough..

Most of the Questions were on Pointers …

Result of Ist Round (Written Test) is announced on 13th December 2011 at 8:30 am

I rushed to GIT so as to continue with recruitment process


158 students out of 1,208 were selected after clearing written examination for IInd Round i.e Group Discussion



IInd Round (Group Discussion)


A group of 10 students was formed , and before starting GD they asked to give brief introduction .

My topic was “ Are Indians Quality Concern “ .

I initiated the GD keeping in mind the majority people of india , who are middle class .. and generally compromise with quality to fulfill some other basic necessities .. etc etc


Some Basics Tricks to crack GD are :


  1. Try to initiate the GD
  2. Do not deviate from the topic
  3. Be a good listener i.e. let others also speak.
  4. Support Your statements with relevant real world examples.
  5. Do not show aggression
  6. Control Negative Hand Movements and mind sitting postures.


Result of IInd Round (GD) is announced on the same day i.e. 13th Dec 2011 around 1:30 pm and when I heard my name (Shubham Dwivedi) , being called for selected students … I became very happy and was confident too.

66 students out of 158 were selected after clearing IInd Round i.e. GD .



IIIrd Round (Technical Interview)

It was average to me as I had got time to prepare for it ..

My tech. interview held at 7:30 pm on same day i.e. 13th December 2011 .. as I was last to be interviewed at that day.(rest on 14th Dec. 2011)

After a Brief introduction given by me , He asked me Questions:

  1. Normalization with examples of Relational DB Schemas .
  2. Operating System topics (Dead locks , Paging)
  3. Sorting concept and code of palindrome no.
  4. Inheritance concept and friend function examples

He asked me about my training project in very detail and also asked to describe SDLC cycle with respect to my training project .

And some of the general Questions  :

  • Why your % in degree are less ?
  • Why don’t u want to do higher education ?
  • Why steria ?
  • What will u do if u don’t get you interest area at steria ?

At the end he said if I want to ask any question … I asked him that sir if I get selected then on which skill I have to emphasize more to get more techinacally sound ??

He then replied u just emphasize on ur academic courses now rest we will train you.


Result of Technical Interview were announced on the next day i.e.  14th December 2011 around 10:00 am

Huh.. I was damn happy and again very confident for my  final selection in steria.


36 students out of 66 were selected after clearing Technical Interview for 4rth and final round i.e. HR Interview



IVth and Final Round (HR Interview)

It was very easy to me as enormous confidence was encountered in me till then

It held on 14th December 2011 around 1:00 pm .

Ms. Usha Mehta (HR) had Taken my interview.. asked some basic questions as follows ::

  • What are your Hobbies ?

I told my hobbies and she picked one of them i.e. Still Photography .. and asked me into very deep about it and also like didn’t u ever tried to exhibit ur collection

. I Told here that currently my Priorities are my academics , project and placement activities and once I will be done with any one of them .. I will surely focus upon it.


  • Who is in ur family ?

I told abt my family members.


  • Why your younger brother is in commerce line ??

I told her that he is good in that and secured extremely good marks in commerce subjects .. also he is having interest in it. That’s why


  • What are your goals – post 1year , post 2 years , post 5 years and post 10 years


  • Why don’t you think about setting ur own company ??


  • If u get selected by steria today then u get offer of 5 lacs from IBM and 6 Lacs from Microsoft .. what will u chose then ??


  • About Steria.



  • Are you flexible with shift timings and  relocation ??


She then said that okey shubham your interview is over now … do you want to ask any questions … I asked her that mam can u plz tell me that how was my performance during whole selection process ??

She said that .. it was perfect shubham . and we will announce the final results shortly ..


And final results came out at 5 :00 pm on 14th December 2011 , Wednesday ..

Around 15 students were eliminated in HR round .

And finally 21 students out of rest 1,208 get placed into steria india ltd. ..

We received offer letter at that time only..


From my college PIET only 2 students get placed me and Deepak verma..


It was the most special day of my engineering or I can say that student life …

And credit of this achievement goes to my GOD for just being every time with me , my parents for having faith in me  …  and you my honey for being my soul mate .. my lucky charm !!! and to everyone who thought that I can achieve it.