HCL Placement-Paper

I am very thankful to FW for giving me tips to crack HCL test and interviews.
I am 2011 engg passout. 9 months after passing out finally I got placed in HCL Technologies at saveetha engg, Chennai
Let me first say my interview experience.
For last 9 montths I have been search
I started off with IBM (lost in tech test) then syntel ( lost in written) then TCS (lost in test) then Wipro, temenos, CTS, Infosys Oracle CTS testing, then few small companies. I attended nearly 12 MNC’s
I was able to clear the small companies interviews to get experience to face the big ones it really worked out! I have good analytical skill but its my attitude that made me to end up with wrong answers when I solve puzzles or problems that are to be logically solved. Whenever I go and attend an MNC I can see a crowd more than 1000’s of  students to attend so  I took the test of Various MNC’s with a negative thinking that I won’t be selected, I naturally get frustrated by seeing the paper.
Even though easy but lazy to solve. Its all attitude problem. So please friends dont get afraid by seeing crowds think that it’s Your day and take the test. Before that look upon your attitude and be cool.
I attended the HCL test on 23rd Janunary, 2011. The test was conducted by aspiring minds
Three sections were there.
1. Verbal
Verbal  it had 25 questions nearly 35 minutes time consists of synonyms for SHABBY, Adventurer antnoyms like Incessment, tenses, parajumbles, sentence correction, reading comprehension.
Its a online test so questions are arranged such that ppl get sufficent time to complete. Refer wren and martin to crack verbal. See to that verbal section holds maximum cut-off for the test.
2. Analytical
For this section 24 questions same 30 minutes time refer R.S Aggarwal resonng book to crack the test. All direct questions from that book. Like blood relation puzzles, anagrams, coding decoding, directions (maximum questions), blood relations, statement-conclusion, statement-assuomption, decison making.
3. Quantitative.
20 question 30 minutes
For this section R.S Aggarwal QA in sufficent and few CAT materials. especial for probability, permuntation and combination (maximum questions), profit loss, alligation mixures, chain rule, log was not asked but be prepared.
4. Tech comprehension
8 question 12 minutes
Comprehsenion based on unit testing and 6th sense technology ( pranav mistry) I found it easy to solve because I am From IT
I cleared the test and was called for interview on 30th Janunary, 2011 at the same college
Interviiew was a calk walk. For me It was a Tech and HR interview.
I was asked about my projects challenging modules in that. I did nearly 3 projects in ns2, mainframes and php. Explained with full energy. The HR liked my way of speaking and attitude. He asked about my personal life. etc etc and finally asked are you ready to learn from HCL? I confidently said Yes. It neva looked like a technical interview it lasted 4 10 mins.
So friends be good in English speak cofidently. Say sorry if you don’t know anything.Then The most important thing is Attitude.