IBS Placement-Paper


Hai frendz,I am lekshmi from LMCST,trivandrum.My IBS tst was on Mohandas college,trivandrum on 11 march 2008.

Firtly freshersworld helped me a lot in gettin thru the ibs. The rounds are:
1.general aptitude tst ( 60 minutes).
2.technical interview.
3.HR interview.

I would like to say..To clear the tst, prepre with R.S.Agarwal’s quntitve aptitde txt. Some sections I remember includes:
1.Problems on simple equation:
2.Time and work problem.(easy one)
3.Age problem
4.The question on numbers… ie i thnk itz 2^5000/7_to find remainder? thr s a questn to find  last digit too
5.There were3 questions on deduction(5 marks each).
6.Mensuration:problem on cuboid Problem of a goat gazing a rectangular field and given the length of the string.problem to find the % of ungazed field?
7.Problem using the formula 2h(l+b),if length,bredth,doubles bt height 1/2.
8.Venn diagram
9.Rule of aligation.
10 Calenders-31st decmber of an year divisible by 400.-ans:sunday
12.coding and decoding
13.Strong argument and weak argument-2 questions.
14.A wallet hav 60 coins.total rs.180,contains Rs.5,Rs.2,Rs.1.minimum how much 1 rupee? (somewhat similar) thse al questions i remember…

Technical interview
The interviewer ws frm mechncl engg stream and me frm ECE.so he asks me to select a subjt which is commn to both…so i forcd to tell it c++.So do prepare for the IBS tst with thorough knwledge abt c++. thr were sme general qustions and qustions regardin project…So prepare well and speak confidently…u vl gt it…

HR interview
thr were two interviewers in  the panel.they ask me mre technical questions abt ma core subject electronics.ask me abt family too..dnt gt scared at any questions.Be cool while talking.he ask me one puzzle.ask me hw i prepare for the test?say the tst v refered. thr s nothig to worry abt the process.DO YOUR BEST AND LEAVE THE REST TO ALMIGHTY…You vl surely get plced in ibs..