KPIT Cummins Info systems

KPIT Cummins Info systems Ltd.Previously asked Questions


KPIT Cummins Selection Procedure Pattern

There are three rounds for Cummins selection

1. Written test

2. Technical

3. HR

GD Optional

1 In Written Test : Time Limit:30 minutes: 3 sections

a)Quantitative(tough Questions)  b)Reasoning c)Verbal ability

Major topics to concentrate


Time and work



Ratio proportion

Reading comprehension

Sentence correction


Technical questions were majorly from Digital Circuits,EDC,8051 MI croc,

Microprocessor, Filters…..


About yourself

Family background etc

Quantititaive Aptitude Questions

KPIT Cummins Placement Paper April 2011:-

1. A student scores 55% marks in 8 papers of 100 marks each. He scores 15% of his total marks in English. How much does he score in English?
1) 55
2) 66
3) 77
4) 44
5) None of these

2. In a class, 6 students can speak Gujarati, 15 can speak Hindi and 6 can speak Marathi. If two students can speak two languages and one student can speak all the three languages, then how many students are there in the class
1) 21
2) 22
3) 23
4) 24

3. If ‘A’ runs faster than ‘E’ but not as fast as ‘D’ and ‘D’ runs faster than ‘C’ but not as fast as’ ‘B’, then the person who runs the fastest is

1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D

4. She is my grandmother’s only son’s daughter. Who is she to me?

[e]none of them (correct – answer should be sister)

5.  if 9x-3y = 12 and 3x-5y = 7 then what is 6x-2y = ?

[A] 5
[b] 8(correct)
[c] 11/4
[d] -2
[e] none

6. There are 200 questions and time is 3 hours out of which 50 questions are from maths. If time alloted for maths problems is twice of that others, what is the time required for one maths question.

Ans:1/50 hr

7.  M persons plan to share the price of a gift. However when they went to buy 3 of them did not arrive. How much did each person pay for the gift?


8. a 15 lt mixture contains water with 20% alcohol. If 5 more litres of water is added to the mixture what is the percentage of alcohol?


9. For every correct answer 4 is awarded but for a wrong answer 2 is deducted. If there are a total of 150 questions and sukanya scores 480 how many answers of sukanya were correct?


10. One set of 5 analytical question. A, B, C, D, E are five cities. A group visits each of the cities by turn. C will not be visited second. One city will be visited after A but before D. B will be visited either before E or D.

11.There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination. Among these questions are 50 mathematics problems. It is suggested that twice as much time be spent on each Maths problem as for each other question. How many minutes should be spent on mathematics problems

A) 36
B) 72
C) 60
D) 100

Ans. B

12. In a class composed of x girls and y boys what part of the class is composed of girls
A. y/(x + y)
B. x/xy
C. x/(x + y)
D. y/xy


13. If 9x-3y=12 and 3x-5y=7 then 6x-2y = ?89

A. -5
B. 4
C. 2
D. 8

Ans. D

14. M men agree to purchase a gift for Rs. D. If three men drop out how much more will each have to contribute towards the purchase of the gift

A. D/(M-3)
B. MD/3
C. M/(D-3)
D. 3D/(M2-3M)

Ans. D

15. I am proceeding towards North. I take a turn to my right. After some time I take a turn to my left and again to my left. Then I go to my right. After some distance I again turn towards my right. The direction in which I am moving now

1) East
2) West
3) North
4) South

16. A person traveled 4 sides of the triangle with speed of a 100, 200, 300, 400 km/hr. what is the average speed of the whole journey. Ans 192 km/hr.

17. How many times 3 occur from 3 to 3333.

18. A=1, B=1. do 5 times and find the value of A.
Add 1 to B.
A * B.
Assign this result to A.

Ans 720

19. 9 circles of diameter of 2 each are in the square. Find the height of a square. There were three rows each having 3 circles.

20. mahua gets his salary on sunday. She spends a quarter of her salary on monday and 2/3 of the remaining on tuesday. How much of her salary remains for the rest of the week?

Ans: 1/4

21. To 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol, we add 5 lts of pure water. What is % alcohol.

Ans : 15%

22. Appu received the salary in Sunday. In Monday he expenses ¼ th of his salary. In Tuesday he expenses 2/3 rd of his remaining salary. What parts of salary are left?

Ans : 1/4 th

23. Some simple problems from Blood Relations.

24. There were 5 questions from data Sufficiency. Like, Statement : A number is divisible by 12.
Data : (1)It is divisible by 3
(2)It is divisible by 4
A. Data (1) along sufficient.
B. Data (2) along sufficient.
C. Both (1) and (2) are required.

25. A person traveled 4 sides of the triangle with speed of a 100, 200, 300, 400 km/hr. what is the average speed of the whole journey.
Ans 192 km/hr.

26. How many times 3 occur from 3 to 3333. A=1, B=1. do 5 times and find the value of A.

Add 1 to B.
A * B.
Assign this result to A.
Ans 720

27. Mahua gets his salary on sunday. She spends a quarter of her salary on monday and 2/3 of the remaining on tuesday. How much of her salary remains for the rest of the week?

28. in an auditorium(or an aeroplane I dont remember) each row had 2 double seats and 3 single seats. If there are r number of rows then what is the total number of seats?
Ans: n=(2*2r+3r)

29. in a classroom there are x girls and y boys. What part of the class are girls?

30.when will you get maximum value for x if it lies between 0 to 1.
Ans: 1/x

Sentence correction
This part was also easy. You require class 10 level knowledge of English. They had given 15 such questions. Each question consists of a sentence with some part of it underlined. All you need to do is to select among the 5 choices the best one that fits in.

31.  as a basketball player one should be good in (dribbling,running and pass) the ball.
[A] dribbles, runs and passes
[b] dribbling, running and passing (correct)
[c] dribbling, running and to pass
[d] dribble, run and pass
[e] dribblling, jumping and passing

32. when sumit is not working he can (cook or watch) tv.
[A] cook and watch
[b] cooking and watching
[c] either watch or cook
[d] watch the cook
[e] either cook or watch (correct)

33. There are seven persons up on the ladder. ‘A’ is further up than ‘E’ but is lower than ‘C’, ‘B’ is in the middle. ‘G’ is between ‘A’ and ‘B’. ‘E’ is between ‘B’ and ‘F’. If ‘F’ is between ‘B’ and ‘D’, then the person on the top of the ladder will be

1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D

34. I am proceeding towards North. I take a turn to my right. After some time I take a turn to my left and again to my left. Then I go to my right. After some distance I again turn towards my right. The direction in which I am moving now

1) East
2) West
3) North
4) South

35. A student scores 55% marks in 8 papers of 100 marks each. He scores 15% of his total marks in English. How much does he score in English?

1) 55
2) 66
3) 77
4) 44
5) None of these

36.Which of the following storage class(es) became the global variable for the entire program

A. Extern
B. Static=20
C. Auto
D. Register

Ans: A

37.Which of the following is not true incase of Command line arguments

A. The argc parameter is used to hold the number of arguments in the = command line and is an integer
B. The argv parameter is a pointer to an array of a character = pointer and each one points to command line arguments
C. The argv[1] always point to program name
D. None of above

Ans: C

38. A function without any return type declares return=20

A. Integer
B. Float
C. Void
D. Syntax Error
39. what is the index no of the last element of an array with 29 elements

A. 29
B. 28
C. 0
D. programmer defined

40. A certain number of men can finish a piece of work in 10 days. If however there were 10 men less it will take 10 days more for the work to be finished. How many men were there originally?

A) 110 men
B) 130 men
C) 100 men
D) none of these

41. A person traveled 4 sides of the triangle with speed of a 100, 200, 300,400 km/hr. what is the average speed of the whole journey. Ans 192 km/hr.

42. How many times 3 occur from 3 to 3333.

43. A=1, B=1. do 5 times and find the value of A.
Add 1 to B.
A * B.
Assign this result to A.
Ans 720

44. 9 circles of diameter of 2 each are in the square. Find the height of a square.
There were three rows each having 3 circles.

45.  5 questions on data sufficiency.

46. One set of 5 analytical question. A, B, C, D, E are five cities. A group visits each of the cities by turn. C will not be visited second. One city will be visited after A but before D. B will be visited either before E or D.

47. Shyam travels at half the speed of ram in opposite directions towards the station. At first day ram was 5min. late for the station and met shyam at a distance of 1 km. early from the station. At second day ram was 10 min. late and met shyam at the station. Find total time for which ram was late.