Hi Everyone. I am Rahul A Pardeshi  frm Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Sangli. B4 starting i want to thank GOD ,my parents and friends. The Aptitude started at 10.00am. Students from 9 diff colleges appeared for the test.

The aptitude results were out till 12.30. The first name announced was mine. Was very happy but the pressure was building on.

They shortlisted 76 out of 550(near about)

After the aptitude they had  PPT.

G.D was cancelled as only 76 of us were there.

After G.D , there was T.I & P.I.

They need students who are Strong Technically and good at Soft Skills.

One advice is that be confident and keep smiling the day throughout.

Don’t lie anywhere throughout the process, be simple.

Aptitude test pattern:
test is of 35 marks for 30 minutes.
no sectional cutoff.

There’s 1/4 negative marking. So keep in mind for every right answer you get +1 mark and for every wrong answer -1.25 marks.

There are two sections
1)Qantititive (20 Ques)
2)English.     (15 Ques)

In quantitative section there are 20 questions.
they are really time consuming.

Don’t try to solve all the questions .

Solve English first, try to solve all que in english,they are easy.

While solving don’t guess about any question solve only those question which you are confident about.

Out of 20 ques in quanti even if you solve 10 right questions that would be enough. 

Topics to work on:
1. Permutation and Combination.
2.Profit and Loss.
4.Time ,Distance and Speed.
6.Pipes and Cirstens.
7.Allegation and Mixture.

Solve english section first. there are 15questions on sentence correction. but remember that there is negative marking of 0.25.

There’s are two seperate interviews.

My interview was for about 25 minutes They are really cool persons .Just be confident and keep a smile.

ME : Please, may i come in Sir ?
INT: Yes Rahul, Please come in.(I was shocked, he knew my name already.  Then i saw that he had my resume in his hands, which they collected during PPT.)
ME: Good Evening Sir.
INT: Good Evening
INT: Sit, be Comfortable.
ME: Thank You ,Sir.
INT:  How was the day?
ME:  Fantastic Sir.(With a huge Smile)
INT: OK, good.
He looked at my resume
INT: So, you are frm St. Jude School. Where is this school.
ME: Sir ,Its in Pune.
INT: Did your school had any branches, coz i am also from St. Jude School (Calcutta).
ME: No Sir, no branches.
INT:Explain me abt ur project (As I had written my mini project that I am currently doing and a Future Project in my resume.)
ME: Explained.
INT:So, which phase you are in now.
ME: Sir we have prepared the SRS and are currently working on FP.
INT: What is SRS.
ME: Software Requirement Specification document(Explained its contents)
INT:I think SRS if System Requirement Specification (Just to check your confidence.)
ME: No sir , Its Software Requirement Specification(With Smile. )
INT: Explain SDLC.
ME: Explained.
INT:So which language do you like.
ME: C and C++.
INT: What are the features that C++ contains and C does’nt.
ME: Explained the features of C++.
INT:OK, Can you Write a prog for FIBONANCI series.
ME: Written.
INT: Process models in Software Engineering.
ME: Explained two of them.
INT: Thank You Rahul . (He shook hand with me.)
ME: Thank you Sir. Have a good day. 

As i came out , they told me to wait in the waiting room. After 10 minutes they told me that i can go for the second round(P.I.)

I was the first person for HR. The interview was a little Stress interview . They test only confidence & communication skill.
INT: tell me about urself that’s not in your resume?
ME: told.
INT: what r ur hobbies?
ME :Playing Snooker, Listening Music, and i like to think, think in all dimensions.
INT:Family background
ME: told.
INT: What are your weaknesses.
ME: told.
INT: So what do you do to overcome them.
ME: told.
INT: how do you do that.
ME: told.
INT:I will ask you two questions.
ME: yes , sir.
INT: If a raw egg is dropped on a concrete floor, it will crack. What will you do, so that it doesnt crack.
ME: (thought for a while) Sir I will not drop the egg.
INT: Do you know Bay of Bengal.
ME: Yes sir.
INT: In which state is Bay of Bengal,.
ME: Sir , its a Sea ,it cannot be in any state.
INT: I want the state.
ME: West Bengal. (The expected ans was : Bay of Bengal is in LIQUID state.)
INT: OK. You may go.
ME: Thank You Sir. 

After that i came again to the waiting room. And within one hour the results declared.

Then came My Name in the list, and i was the Happiest Person on Earth