Zensar campus drive on 13 Feb 2013

Zensar campus drive on 13 Feb 2013 


Hello All,

This is my experience about Zensar campus drive on 13 Feb 2013 in MET College Nasik.

It was a pool campus drive about 250 students from 7-8 colleges had participated.

The criteria was same as usual 60 % throughout right from 10th to the last semester


Zensar on line written test pattern

First round was Online test. It contains

30 Questions of general aptitude in 30 mins.

20 Questions of C programming in 20 Mins

2 SQL queries had to be solved on 15 mins.

2 C program had to be solved in 15 mins.

Aptitude questions were easy.

Generally most of the questions were based on Speed & distance, Profit & Loss, Area & Volume and ratio & proportion.


C programming questions were very easy if know basics of C you can solve them easily.

SQL queries are little bit tough. They had asked queries on joins, nested queries etc.

Programming questions were easy. I got min/max program from 10 numbers and a series completion program like 2,4,6,8….


Zensar GD procedure

From aptitude only 42 students were selected for GD. They made 6 groups of 7 each. Intially they asked us to suggest some topics and then they took voting. We had got topic as “ SAFETY OF WOMEN IN INDIA”.



Among 42 students only 22 got selected for Technical Interview.

The guy who took my interview was very frank in nature. He just asked about my project and some basic c,cpp and java questions. He also asked me to write a program using polymorphism and encapsulation. Actually he just wanted to check whether I know the two concepts. Then he went through my resume and asked some questions on my hobbies.

He asked me about my favorite game and I said Football then he asked me about my favorite player and why?

I said Ronaldhino is my favorite player because of his mind blowing control over the ball. Then he asked why I don’t like Messi and Ronaldo? Then I gave some negative points of both.

After about 30 mints my name was announced for HR interview.

The HR was very friendly and was asking simple questions like tell me about yourself ?,

About your family?

Situation which impacted your life?

Why Zensar?

Are you  ready to relocate?

Bla bla..

Then he took my photograph and pasted on the from which he had and then told me that your interview is over.

After 2 days results came out and I was one of them.  Among 22 only 12 people were selected for HR interview and all 12 were selected finally. So if you cleared the technical round you are in .

I just wanted to say just have faith in god and you  will achieve your dreams.

See you in Zensar.