APTITUDE QUESTION OF HEWITT 60 question 60 minute

The age of man is 32 years and 8 years ago what was the age of man
i)x-32 ii) 32-x iii) x-24 iv)24-x

A monkey climbs 6 mts and falls 3mts in alternate minutes. Then time taken to climb a tree 60metres high?

A man gets a gain of x%. but if he had sold at twice the cost price, what will be his gain? (question not sure)

A trader marks his goods and declares two successive discounts of 10% each. What is his overall Price?

series related question 2-3 like
64,125,216……. what next ans 243

1 2 6 24 …. what next ans 120

Grammatical correction 2 question

I am afraid that due to illness, the man whom you’ve all come to hear________________ performing tonight

2 synonyms question upto 2

Calender questions upto 4

General aptitude related to discount, quadratic,Rectangle,age,percentage, upto 15 question

3 sets questions

5 logical reasoning question

Find odd man out of the given Alphabet 2 question

Analogy question like
1. celebrate::marriage

2. bouquet::flowers

Interview question

Introduce yourself?

Basic concept of Pl/SQL?

What is procedure?

What is function?

Wap factorial and pyramid programme?


There is a nine ball out of which 8 balls of 100 g and 1 balls is 110 gram so how many attempt is needed to find the odd ball ?

There are 3 bulbs inside a room and three switches outside how will you know which switch is for which bulb?

What is I stand in oracle 9i?

How many layers in OSI model?

What is the function of session layer?

What is join ?

How many type of join explain with example?

Explain your project?

How many forms on your project?

What is cursor?

Types of cursor?

Different type of testing and explain it?

What is black box testing, white box testing, integration testing, unit testing?

Difference between integration and unit testing?

Explain trigger how trigger is called?

What is data dictionary?

What is normalization?

Explain Ist NF 2ND NF and 3rd Nf with example?