INautix recruitment experience

INautix recruitment experience shared by on September 2013 in IT Vellore

Hi all I attended Inautix selection process in VIT Vellore in september’13.

There were around 300 students who appeared for objective test. 

The test was quite tough with good level of quant, English, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation and some questions related to mechanical(force torque questions).

Immediately after the test results were announced and 110 students cleared the level.

After that we had GD. GD was much like an HR interview where we were told to introduce our self and tell about one naughty thing which we have done in our college life.

This was basically to check your confidence level.

Around 55 students cleared the GD round.

Next was a mix of technical and HR interview where they asked me about the basics of C language and data structures, basic program on C and mostly from my resume and projects which I did and some basic hr questions.

Finally the next day results were announced and luckily I got selected.

Total 30 students were selected.

Hope this will help.

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