Mahindra Engineering Placement-Paper

Q.1 If Thursday was the day after the day before yesterday five days ago, what is the least number of days ago when Sunday was three days before the day after tomorrow?
1.    Two days ago
2.    Three days ago
3.    Four days ago
4.    Five days ago
5.    None of these

Q.2 A train started from station ‘A’ and proceeded towards station ‘B’ at a speed of 48 Km/hr. Forty-five minutes later another train started from station ‘B’ and proceeded towards station ‘A’ at 50 Km/hr. If the distance between the two stations is 232 Km, at what distance from station ‘A’ will the trains meet?
1.    132 Km
2.    144 Km
3.    108 Km
4.    160 Km
5.    None of these

Q.3 At what time between 4 and 5 o’clock the hands are in opposite direction?
1.      10 2/11 minutes past 4 o’clock
2.      3 2/11 minutes past 4 o’clock
3.      3 5/11 minutes past 4 o’clock
4.      10 10/11 minutes past 4 o’clock
Q.4 How many 7s are there in the following series which are not immediately following by 3 but immediately preceded by 8?
8 9 8 7 6 2 2 6 3 2 6 9 7 3 2 8 7 2 7 7 8 7 3 7 7 9 4
1.    Nil
2.    One
3.    Two
4.    Three
5.    More than three

Q.5 How many members are there between 1 to 100 which are divisible by 9 and the sum of two digits is 9?
1.    1 3
2.    11
3.    7
4.    9
5.    10

Q.6 How many 8′s are there in the given sequence which are not immediately preceded by 09 and not immediately followed by 90?
9 0 8 0 9 0 9 8 9 0 8 9 0 8 0 9 8 9 0 9 8 0 9 8 9 0 8 9 0
1.    1
2.    2
3.    3
4.    More than 3
5.    None of these

Q.7 A and B invested money together in a business and share of capital of A is 1/4th that of B. If they incurr a loss of Rs.500 then loss for B is
1.    Rs.200
2.    Rs.300
3.    Rs.400
4.    Rs.100
Q.8 How should a profit of Rs.500 be divided into two partners, if one of them invested Rs.6000 for 5 months and other invested Rs.5000 for 4 months? (in Rs.)
1.    1000,5000
2.    3000,2000
3.    500,400
4.    2000,3000

Q.9 If the compound interest (compounded Yearly) on a certain sum for 2 years at 3% is Rs.101.50 then what will be the corresponding simple interest?
1.    Rs.90.00
2.    Rs.95.50
3.    Rs.100.00
4.    Rs.98.25

Q.10 In what ratio mental A at Rs.68 per kg be mixed with another metal at Rs.96 per kg so that cost of alloy (mixture) is Rs.78 per kg?
1.    5:8
2.    4:7
3.    3:7
4.    9:5

Q.11 In a race of 4Kms A beats B by 100m or 25 seconds, then time taken by A is
1.    15 min 8 sec
2.    16 min 15 sec.
3.    8 min 15 sec.
4.    10 min 17 sec.

Q.12 In a game of 100 points there are three participants A, B, and C. A gives to B 10 points and to C 19 points, then how many points can B give to C
1.    11 points
2.    8 points
3.    9 points
4.    10 points

Q.13 In game of 500 points there are three participants A, B, and C. A game take place. A gives to B 80 points and to C 101 points. Then how many points can B give to C
1.    375
2.    500
3.    475
4.    425

Q.14 The age of Ritu’s mother is 6 times that of Ritu’s age. After 6 years it will be 3 times that of Ritu’s age. what is Ritu’s present age?
1.    4 years
2.    6 years
3.    8 years
4.    10 years

Q.15 Ten years ago A was half of B’s Age. If ratio of their present ages is 3:4 then what is the total of their present ages?
1.    08 years
2.    20 years
3.    30 years
4.    35 years

Q.16    . Which of the following statement(s) is(are) not true
a.  Literate workers have small families than illiterate workers.
b.  Families with 2 or less than 2 children are commoner than families with 3 or more children.
c.  2 children families constitute 60% of the families of workers.
d.  More the no. of children a worker has the more illiterate he is.
e.  None the above statement is true. Ans : e

Q.17 Of a mutual instrument vibrate 6,8 & 12 intervals respectively. If all three vibrate together whatis the time interval before all vibrate together again?
Ans : 1/2 sec HCF of DR

Q.18 Certain no. of men can finish a piece of work in 10 days. If however there were 10 men less itwill take 10 days more for the work to be finished. How many men were there originally.
Ans :110 men

Q.19  In simple interest what sum amounts of Rs.1120/- in 4 years and Rs.1200/- in 5 years.
Ans :Rs.800/-
Q.20 Two trains in the same direction at 50 & 32 kmph respectively. A man in the slower train observes the 15 seconds elapse before the faster train completelypasses him. What is the length of faster train ?
Ans : 75m

Q. 21 How many mashes are there in a sq. m of wire gauge. Each mesh being 8mm long X 5mm width
Ans : 25000

Q. 22 x% of y is y% of ?

Ans : x

Q. 23 The price of sugar increases by 20%, by what % house-wife should reduce the consumption of sugar so that expenditure on sugar can be same as before

Ans : 16.66

Q. 24 A man spending half of his salary for house hold expenses, 1/4th for rent, 1/5th for travel expenses, a man deposits the rest in a bank. If his monthly deposits in the bank amount 50. What is his monthly salary ?
Ans : 1000

Q. 25 The population of a city increases @ 4% p.a. That is an additioanl annual increase of 4% of the population due to this influx of job seekers, the % increase in population after 2 years is

Q. 26 The ratio of no. of boys & girls in a school is 3:2 Out of these ?% the boys & 25% of girls are scholarship holders. % of students who are not scholarship holders.?

Q. 27 11.15 Men take 21 days of 8 hrs. each to do a piece of work. How many days of 6 hrs. each would do if 21 women take. If 3 women do as much work of 2 men.
Ans : 30

Q. 28 A cylinder ingot 6cms in diameter and 6 cms in height is and spheres all of the same size are made from the material obtained.what is the diameter of each sphere?

Ans: 3cms

Q. 29 The difference b/w the compound interest payble half yearly and the simple interest on a certain sum cont out at 10% p.a for 1 year is Rs 25 what is the sum

Ans: 10,000

Q. 30 what is the smallest n0 by which 2880 must be divided in order to make it a perfect square ? a

a.3     b.4     c.5     d.6    e.8

Ans: 3

Q. 31 A father is 30 times more than his son however he will be only thrice as old as the son what is father’s present age ?

Ans : 40

Q. 32    .An article sold at a profit of 20% if both the c.p & s.p were tobe Rs.20/- the profit would be10% more. What is the c.p of that article?

Ans : 1% loss

Q. 33 How can a process be started automatically in UNIX ? ANS : Through CRONTAB { options were crontab, inittab, and two more }

Q. 34 What is the meaning of run level 6 ? ANS. Reboot

Q. 35 How can you determine which file has generated the CORE ?

Q. 36 Diff.between inlinefunction((++)-macns(c)

Q. 37 Write a macro for sqaring no.

Q. 38 Trees -3 noded tree ( 4 to 5 questions fundamentals) Maximum possible no.of arrnging these

Q. 39 Arrange the nodes in depth first order breadth first order

Q. 40 Linked lists Q) Given two statments

Q. 41 Allocating memory dynamiccaly

Q. 42 Arrays Tree the above both and find the mistake

Q. 43 Pointers (7 to 8 questions) Schaum series Pointer to functions, to arrays 4 statements

Q. 44 Booting-def(When you on the system the process that takes place is ——

Q. 45 Type of global variable can be accessible from any where in the working environment ( external global variable)

Q. 46 Which of the following can be accessed randomly Ans. a. one way linked list b. two way ” c Arrays d. Trees

Q. 47 Write a class for a cycle purchase(data items req.)

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