Hi Friends,
The things which should be necessarily required for this company was all the core subjects of cse
Objective test:
In this it consists of all CSE core subjects and GA and its easy if we had a little bit touch on our subjects.
Written test:
In this it contains two things
1) We should write an essay
2) We should write a program
My sincere advice for the candidates who are appearing for persistent is to concentrate more on program rather than
I was surprised after seeing my name in the selected list
And then it consists of two technical HR’s
1) He used to test all the core subjects and especially on DS and sorting algorithms we should thorough enough in it and in addition to these he may ask puzzles
2) The second technical interview is conducted in order to confirm that he had selected the right person or not and it is little bit easy compared to first technical HR
And then it is followed by HR
I got some what tensed in this part and my good luck mam has said that I got selected soon after I gone from the HR room. This make me very happy and free from tension
And better luck my dear friends. And I had a material for exclusively for persistent. Do let me know in case of any query.