TCS placement papers with question and answer for placement preparation-TCS selection procedure
Hello everyone..I am going to share my experience of tcs selection procedure.
Well before apperaing for interview we have to first clear the online paper. which consist of email writing and 30 questions of aptitude.
Email writing was easy. but in aptitude it would be better if you go with prepartion.In aptitude total number of question were 30 and time limit was 80 minutes.mostly questions were from number system,average,train and speed etc
After 3 days I got an email that I have cleard written test and have to appear for interview in g.l. bajaj college greator noida.
There were 3 interview round
Technical round (T.R.)
Manager round (M.R.)
H.R. round
Each round was elimination round
In T.R AND M.R as I am from mechanical stream so they asked most of the questions related to my branch and some of basic question from c and c++. and many question from project
What so ever you fill in application form.. go through it completly they would ask you most of the question from porject .If you are from computer branch then make sure you have good basics of programing
HR round was simple they would ask you question like
Why TCS..?
Introuduce yourself..?
Your goal.?
And if you are from mechanical civil electrical be ready with this question why you want to join TCS not you core branches company.?(A strong answer would definitely increse you chance )
I cleard all three round and i have been placed in TCS