Amazon Interview questions

Amazon Interview questions shared by amith .I was attending Amazon interview. These are only for giving you,friends ,an idea about their slection procedure Here Iam giving you short description

Amazon On line test round :Online round: (1hr, working code required)

Given coin array and a sum K, find min. number of required coin to make sum K. (DP Question)
Two rectangles are given in two D space. Find if these are overlapping or not
KMP for pattern searching
After two days I got the call to come Amazon Bangalore office to attend next rounds:

1st Round:

First occurrence of duplicate char in a char array.
Merge two sorted array of n and n+m size
Zig-zag traversal of tree

Amazon HR and Technical round 

Tell me about one of your best project, deep drive
Count the words in a file (simple one)
Design parking system.

Reverse every k-element in a linked list
Check if two tree are mirror tree
Find longest palindrome in a string
Find sum K from an unsorted array which have both –ive & +ive numbers.
Full explanation about tries (search, insert, traversal, delet)
Full browser working
Lock variable and their implementation (OS)
What is hashing, if any hash function mapping tow inputs to one output then how to handle that scenario at the time of retrieval, you can’t change hash function.
After one week I got the call from HR for my BR round.

Tell me about yourself, why you are looking for change, what innovative you did in last two year (I had already preparation for all these type of questions) 
Lots of discussion happened about my current project.
Given two string remove the characters of one string from another string
o Another variation he asked: Given two string remove the characters of one string(having duplicate characters) from another string
o One more variation he asked: Given two string remo

ve the characters of one string(having duplicate characters) from another string from right to left.

Given one string, print all the anagrams of this string from a given file which contains lots of strings.
o Another variation of this he asked: Given group of string, print all the anagrams of all given string from the file of strings.

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