comprehension verbal ability questions

In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

List of the business or subjects to be considered at a meeting
A.     Schedule    B.     Timetable
C.     Agenda    D.     Plan
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Answer: Option C


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Leave or remove from a place considered dangerous
A.     Evade    B.     Evacuate
C.     Avoid    D.     Exterminate
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Answer: Option B


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A prima facie case is such
A.     As it seems at first sight
B.     As it is made to seem at first sight
C.     As it turns out to be at the end
D.     As it seems to the court after a number of hearings
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Answer: Option A


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A person pretending to be somebody he is not
A.     Magician    B.     Rogue
C.     Liar    D.     Imposter
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Answer: Option D


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A person who knows many foreign languages
A.     Linguist    B.     Grammarian
C.     Polyglot    D.     Bilingual
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Answer: Option A


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One who has little faith in human sincerity and goodness
A.     Egoist    B.     Fatalist
C.     Stoic    D.     Cynic
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Answer: Option D


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One who possesses many talents
A.     Versatile    B.     Nubile
C.     Exceptional    D.     Gifted
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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