idioms and phrases verbality questions


To smell a rat
A.     To see signs of plague epidemic
B.     To get bad small of a bad dead rat
C.     To suspect foul dealings
D.     To be in a bad mood
E.     None of these
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Answer: Option C


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To hit the nail right on the head
A.     To do the right thing
B.     To destroy one’s reputation
C.     To announce one’s fixed views
D.     To teach someone a lesson
E.     None of these
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Answer: Option A


To do exactly the right thing; to do something in the most effective and efficient way.
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To set one’s face against
A.     To oppose with determination    B.     To judge by appearence
C.     To get out of difficulty    D.     To look at one steadily
E.     None of these
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Answer: Option A


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