idioms and phrases verbality questions


Companies producing goods play to the gallery to boost their sales.
A.     advertise
B.     cater to the public taste
C.     attempt to appeal to popular taste
D.     depend upon the public for approval
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Answer: Option C


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Since he knew what would happen, he should be left to stew in his own juice.
A.     Make a stew    B.     Boil
C.     Suffer in his own juice    D.     Suffer for his own act
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Answer: Option D


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The project did not appear to hold out bright prospects.
A.     highlight    B.     show
C.     offer    D.     promise
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Answer: Option C


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I am afraid he is burning the candle at both ends and ruining his life.
A.     wasting his money    B.     becoming overgenerous
C.     overtaxing his energies    D.     losing his objectives
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Answer: Option C


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The university will have to shelve its plans for expansion in view of present situation
A.     cancel    B.     discuss
C.     reconsider    D.     postpone
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Answer: Option D


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Do no trust a man who blows his own trumpet
A.     flatters    B.     praises others
C.     admonishes others    D.     praises himself
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Answer: Option D


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He is out and out a reactionary.
A.     no more    B.     thoroughly
C.     in favour of    D.     deadly against
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Answer: Option B


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I did not mind what he was saying, he was only through his hat.
A.     talking nonsense    B.     talking ignorantly
C.     talking irresponsibly    D.     talking insultingly
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Answer: Option A


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The case was held over due to the great opposition to it.
A.     stopped    B.     postponed
C.     dropped    D.     cancelled
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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