In the organised society of today no individual or nation can plough a lonely furrow.
A. remain unaffected B. do without the help of others
C. survive in isolation D. remain non-aligned
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Answer: Option B
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It was he who put a spoke in my wheel.
A. tried to cause an accident
B. helped in the execution of the plan
C. thwarted in the execution of the plan
D. destroyed the plan
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Answer: Option C
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It is no longer easy to strike gold in Shakespeare’s research since much work has already been done on him.
A. Hit a golden spot
B. Come across gold
C. Come across the word “gold”
D. Uncover or find a valuable line of argument or information
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Answer: Option D
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Sanjay is very different about passing the Civil Services Examination this year.
A. Dead sure of
B. Very hopeful of
C. Lacking self confidence about
D. Reasonably certain of
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Answer: Option C
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Why must you look a gift horse in the mouth ?
A. welcome a gift B. find fault with a gift
C. be fastidious D. examine a gift carefully
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Answer: Option B
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Dowry is a burning question of the day.
A. a widely debated issue B. a dying issue
C. a relevant problem D. an irrelevant issue
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Answer: Option A
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Leaders should not only make speeches they should also be prepared to to bell the cat.
A. To take lead in danger. B. To tie bell to a cat’s neck
C. To be alert of the enemy D. To make noise
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Answer: Option A
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The popularity of the yesterday’s superstar is on the wane.
A. at its peak B. at rock bottom
C. growing more D. growing less
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Answer: Option D
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He is leaving the country for a good.
A. for better prospects B. for a good cause
C. for ever D. for others good
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Answer: Option C
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