idioms and phrases verbality questions


He went to his friend’s house in the evening as was his wont.
A.     as usual    B.     as he wanted
C.     as his want was    D.     as he wanted that day
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Answer: Option A


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Why do you wish to tread on the toes?
A.     To give offence to them    B.     To follow them grudgingly
C.     To treat them indifferently    D.     To be kicked by them
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Answer: Option A


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He intends setting up as a lawyer in the adjoining district.
A.     To establish himself    B.     To migrate
C.     To join    D.     To settle
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Answer: Option A


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The autographed bat from the famous cricketer Sunil Gavaskar is worth a jew’s eye
A.     Not a worthy possession    B.     unnecessary
C.     A costly items    D.     A possession of high value
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Answer: Option D


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The speaker gave a bird’s eye view of the political conditions in the country.
A.     a personal view    B.     a general view
C.     a biased view    D.     a detailed presentation
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Answer: Option B


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He resigned the post of his own accord.
A.     which he liked
B.     according to his convenience
C.     voluntarily and willingly
D.     according to his judgement
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Answer: Option C


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As a politician he is used to being in the limelight all the time.
A.     giving speeches    B.     the object of admiration
C.     the centre of attraction    D.     an object of public notice
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Answer: Option C


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I ran out of money on my European tour.
A.     exhausted my stock of    B.     did not have enough
C.     lost    D.     carried a lot
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Answer: Option A


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Madhuri might scream blue murder, but I feel Deepali should get the promotion since she is better qualified for the job.
A.     Someone has been murdered with some blue liquid
B.     Someone is being murdered and has become blue
C.     Suffer from persecution complex
D.     Make a great deal of noise and object vehemently
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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