idioms and phrases verbality questions


Harassed by repeated acts of injustice. he decided to put his foot down.
A.     not to yield
B.     resign
C.     to accept the proposal unconditionally
D.     withdraw
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Answer: Option A


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The class could not keep a straight face on hearing the strange pronunciation of the new teacher.
A.     remain silent    B.     remain serious
C.     remain mute    D.     remain disturbed
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Answer: Option B


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The parliamentary inquiry into the Bofors deal did not bring to light any startling facts.
A.     Prove    B.     Probe
C.     Highlight    D.     Disclose
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Answer: Option D


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His speech went down well with the majority of the audience.
A.     found acceptance with
B.     was attentively listened to by
C.     was appreciated by
D.     was applauded by
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Answer: Option C


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Rohit has bitten off more than he chew.
A.     Is trying to do much
B.     Is very greedy
C.     Is always hungry
D.     Has little regard for others
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The detective left no stone unturned to trace the culprit.
A.     took no pains
B.     did very irrelevant things
C.     resorted to illegitimate practices
D.     used all available means
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Answer: Option D


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The authorities took him to task for his negligence.
A.     gave him additional work    B.     suspended his assignment
C.     reprimanded him    D.     forced him to resign
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Answer: Option C


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In spite of the immense pressure exerted by the militants, the Government has decided not to give in.
A.     accede    B.     yield
C.     oblige    D.     confirm
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Answer: Option B


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Their business is now on its last legs.
A.     About to fructify    B.     About to perish
C.     About to produce results    D.     About to take off
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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