He has built a big business empire by his sharp practices.
A. extreme hard work B. keen business skills
C. dishonest dealings D. sharp intelligence
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Answer: Option C
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The secretary and the treasurer are hand in glove with each other.
A. very good friends B. constantly fighting
C. associates in some action D. suspicious of each other
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Answer: Option A
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He never liked the idea of keeping his wife under his thumb and so he let her do what she liked.
A. Pressed down B. Unduly under control
C. Below his thumb D. Under tyrannical conditions.
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Answer: Option B
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It is time that professors came down from their ivory towers and studied the real needs of the students.
A. Detachment and seclusion B. A tower made of ivory
C. Prison D. Dream lands
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Answer: Option A
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You have to be a cool customer and be patient if you want to get the best buys.
A. Be calm and not be excitable
B. Have a cool head
C. Be uncommunicative
D. Be choosy
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Answer: Option A
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There was no opposition to the new policy by the rank and file of the Government.
A. the official machinery B. the ordinary members
C. the majority D. the cabinet ministers
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Answer: Option B
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The clerk wiped the nose of his employer by submitting a false bill and was dismissed from his job.
A. Cleaned the nose B. Cheated
C. Abused D. Slapped
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Answer: Option B
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I have a bone to pick with you in this matter.
A. Am in agreement B. Am angry
C. Am indebted D. Will join hands
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Answer: Option B
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The new C.M stuck his neck out today and promised 10kgs. free wheat a month for all rural families.
A. took an oath B. took a risk
C. extended help D. caused embarrassment
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Answer: Option B
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