The five intertwined rings or circles on the Olympic Flag made of white silk are
A. from right to left blue, yellow, black, green and red respectively
B. from left to right blue, yellow, black, green and red respectively
C. from right to left blue, black, green, red and yellow respectively
D. from left to right yellow, red, green, black and blue respectively
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Answer: Option B
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The company that has acquired interest in different industries by taking over or merging with other companies, is called
A. collateral B. coalition
C. conglomerate D. None of the above
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Answer: Option C
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The first Indian and Asian to receive the Noble Prize in Physics was
A. C.V. Raman
B. Mother Teresa
C. Rabindranath Tagore
D. S. Chandrasekhar
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Answer: Option A
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The first Dada Saheb Phalke Award, given in 1969, was received by
A. Devika Rani
B. Pankaj Mullick
C. Kanan Devi
D. Sohrab Modi
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Answer: Option A
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The command from a superior officer or a judge to a subordinate right given to a person to act in the name of another, is
A. Mandamus B. Mandate
C. Manifesto D. Modvat
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Answer: Option B
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The Awards conferred by the Hollywood Foreign press Association which is given annually for creditable efforts in film direction, are
A. Golden Bear Award
B. Oscar Award
C. Owen Global Prize
D. Golden Globe Award
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Answer: Option D
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