basic general knowledge questions


The market condition when goods and services are not freely available and thus the prices are relatively high is called
A.     rights issue
B.     sinking fund
C.     seller’s market
D.     recession
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Answer: Option C


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The headquarter of ‘Assam Rifles’ at
A.     Shillong
B.     Kohima
C.     Aizawl
D.     Itanagar
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Answer: Option A


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The language spoken in Sikkim are
A.     Nepali, Hindi, Lepcha, Bhutani
B.     Marathi
C.     Bengali, Tripuri
D.     Manipuri
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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The Heads of Government of the countries which are members of the Commonwealth meet
A.     once a year
B.     biannually
C.     at intervals of three years
D.     as and when necessary
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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The headquarter of the International court of Justice (UNO) are located at
A.     Hague (Netherlands)
B.     Addis Ababa
C.     Bangkok
D.     New York, USA
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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The headquarter of all the following international organization are based at Vienna, excepted
A.     United Nations Industrial Development Organization
B.     Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
C.     United Nations Development Programme
D.     International Atomic Energy Agency
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


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