basic general knowledge questions


The headquarter of European Court of Justice (ECJ) are situated at
A.     Luxembourg
B.     Paris
C.     Strasbourg (France)
D.     San Jose, Costa Rica
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Answer: Option A


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The host of first Olympics in 1896 was
A.     Athens, Greece
B.     Paris, France
C.     London, Great Britain
D.     Los Angeles, USA
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Answer: Option A


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The largest cantilever bridge of India is
A.     Chambal Bridge
B.     Mahatama Gandhi Setu
C.     Howrah Bridge
D.     None of the above
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


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The headquarter of United Nations Fund for Programmes Population Activities (UNFA) are at
A.     London
B.     New York
C.     Washington
D.     Rome
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The Himalayan Mountaineering Institute is located in
A.     Dehradun    B.     Darjeeling
C.     Uttarkashi    D.     Shillong
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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Deforestation in the uplands may cause pollution in rivers through
A.     leaching of salts
B.     erosion and silting
C.     inflow of forest material
D.     increased discharge rate
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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