The normal threshold of hearing is around
A. 60-80 db
B. 45-60 db
C. 100-120 db
D. 25-45 db
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Answer: Option D
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The refrigerant commonly used for domestic refrigerators is
A. alcohol B. ammonia
C. neon D. None of the above
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Answer: Option B
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The normal term of office for which the President and Vice-President of the International Court of Justice are elected is
A. three years
B. five years
C. seven years
D. nine years
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Answer: Option A
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The ozone layer is being destroyed by chlorofluorocarbons. In this regard which do you consider as the most harmful?
A. Carbon atom
B. Chlorine atom
C. Fluorine atom
D. The entire compound
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Answer: Option B
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The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was created in
A. 1945 B. 1947
C. 1949 D. 1951
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Answer: Option C
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The principal bodies of the UNO are
The General Assembly and the Security Council
The Economic and Social Council
International Court of Justice
Trusteeship Council and secretariat
A. I
B. I, II
D. All of the above
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
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