technology general knowledge questions


Which of the following word processors came first?
A.     WordPerfect
B.     Lotus Notes
C.     MS Word
D.     WordStar
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


Before the invention of word processing and spreadsheet software, personal computers had little value in the mainstream business world. WordStar was used before the days of function keys and the mouse. It, instead, used a set of Ctrl and Alt key combinations to navigate and edit text documents.
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The invention of the transistor, or semiconductor, was one of the most important developments leading to the personal computer revolution. What company invented the transistor in 1947?
A.     International Business Machines
B.     MITS
C.     Xerox
D.     Bell Laboratories
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


The transistor, which essentially is a solid-state electronic switch, replaced the much less suitable vacuum tube. Because the transistor consumed significantly less power, a computer system built with transistors was much smaller, faster and more efficient than a computer system built with vacuum tubes.
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What is TTL?
A.     Technical Talk Language
B.     Transparent Transfer Layer
C.     Time To Live
D.     True Technology Lives
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


Time To Live specifies how many more hops a packet can travel before being dropped.
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What is the Websites code for the country Bulgaria?
A.     BU    B.     BR
C.     BL    D.     BG
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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What does PPTP stand for?
A.     Point to Point Transmission Protocol
B.     Point to Point Transfer Protocol
C.     Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
D.     Point to Point Traffic Protocol
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


It is a protocol used to create VPN connections over the net.

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