The first lady Prime Minister of a country was
A. Srimavo Bhadaranaike (Sri Lanka)
B. Maria Estate Pew (Argentina)
C. Junko Taibei (Japan)
D. None of the above
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Answer: Option A
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The common pesticides which are in use consist of
A. PCBs B. organochlorines
C. olefins D. heterocyclic compounds
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Answer: Option C
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The dance in Himachal Pradesh, performed indoor, solo or duet, especially when life comes to a standstill during cold winter is
A. Luddi dance
B. Munzra
C. Giddha parhaun
D. Rouf
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Answer: Option B
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The battle tanks that have been modernized to keep pace with the latest technology development is
A. Vijayanta
B. T-55 and T-72
C. Arjun
D. All of the above
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Answer: Option A
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The first Asian Games were held in 1951 at
A. New Delhi, India
B. Manila, Philippines
C. Tokyo, Japan
D. Jakarata, Indonesia
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Answer: Option A
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The chemical name of Vitamin B is
A. nicotinamide
B. ascorbic acid
C. riboflavin
D. thiamine
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Answer: Option D
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