Famous personalities general knowledge questions

21. Charles Correa has distinguished himself in which of the following fields?
A. Painting B. Ballet
C. Architecture D. Western Music

Answer: Option C


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22. Who declared that his ultimate aim was to wipe ‘every tear from every eye’?
A. Rajendra Prasad
B. Sardar Patel
C. Jawaharlal Nehru
D. Mahatma Gandhi

Answer: Option C


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23. Ashok Pandit is known for his outstanding performance in which field?
A. Wrestling B. Kabaddi
C. Shooting D. Swimming

Answer: Option C


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24. Who among the following is a social activist campaigning against child labour?
A. Baba Amte
B. Shabana Amzi
C. Mira Nair
D. Swami Agnivesh

Answer: Option D


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25. Pandit K. G. Ginde, was well known for his contribution in the field of?
A. Music B. Sanskrit
C. Dance D. Ayurveda

Answer: Option A


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