World geography general knowledge questions

67. The minerals resources of north-eastern zone include
A. coal, Fe, Mn, Cu, Mica, U, diamond
B. crude Petroleum and natural gas
C. Fe, Au(gold)
D. natural gas, Fe, Au, Mn, U

Answer: Option A


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68. The moon
A. is the natural satellite of earth
B. has no liquid water
C. has no atmosphere
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D


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69. The moon’s volume is about ____ that of earth.
A. 1/40 th
B. 1/50 th
C. 1/60 th
D. 1/20 th

Answer: Option B


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70. The magnetic field of earth, Magnetosphere expands to about
A. 9600 km above the earth’s surface
B. 8000 km above the earth’s surface
C. 64,000 km above the earth’s surface
D. None of the above

Answer: Option C


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71. The ministry of Water Resources lays down policies and programmes for the development and regulation of the country’s water resources. It covers
A. sartorial planning, coordination and policy guidelines
B. technical examination and techno- appraisal of project providing central assistance to specific projects
C. facilitation of external assistance in resolution of interstate water disputes, policy formulation planning and development of ground water resources
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D


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72. The main crops of kharif are
A. rice, jowar, bajra
B. ragi, maize
C. cotton, jute
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D


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