World geopraphy general knoweldge questions


The largest gulf in the world is

A.     Gulf of Mexico
B.     Persian Gulf
C.     Gulf of Carpentaria
D.     Gulf of Mannar
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Answer: Option A


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The hunting and gathering economy can support only

A.     1 person per sq. km
B.     3 persons per sq. km
C.     5 persons per sq. km
D.     7 persons per sq. km
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Answer: Option A


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The import of crude oil and petroleum done from national oil companies of producer countries, which have a net exportable surplus of oil is by

A.     term contracts
B.     term tenders
C.     monthly tenders
D.     All the above
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Answer: Option A


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The land-sea distribution or the positions of the world’s continents and major oceans influences

A.     the major pressure belts that develop from the general circulation of the atmosphere
B.     the development of the mid-latitude cyclonic depressions, at the convergence zone between polar and subtropical air masses
C.     both (a) and (b)
D.     None of the above
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Answer: Option C


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The knowledge about the topography of the ocean basins has been derived from

A.     seismic surveying
B.     echo sounder
C.     side-scan sonar
D.     All of the above
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Answer: Option D


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The headquarters of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), formed out of erstwhile USSR, is at

A.     Minsk in Byelorussia
B.     Moscow in Russia
C.     Kiev in Ukraine
D.     Kistiner in Moldavia
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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