World organisation general knowledge questions

36. The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) is located at
A. Manila
B. Singapore
C. Kuala lumpur
D. Bangkok

Answer: Option D


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37. Vietnam joined the U.N.O in the year
A. 1977 B. 1970
C. 1976 D. 1974

Answer: Option A


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38. The International Court of Justice is located at
A. Geneva B. Hague
C. Amsterdam D. Vienna

Answer: Option B


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39. Which of the following international organisations has started the scheme ‘Partnership for Peace’ for a group of nations?
A. Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
B. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP)
C. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
D. Organisations of African Unity (OAU)

Answer: Option C


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40. Which of the following pairs of country and the purpose for which U.N. Peace Keeping Force is maintained is correctly is correctly matched?
A. Cyprus – to maintain peace between the two dominant ethnic groups in the country
B. Mozambique – To supervise a referendum
C. El Salvador – to deliver humanitarian aid
D. Lebanon – For supervising a 1992 accord

Answer: Option A


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