SAIL Placement-Paper

Hi friends.I am Althaf Syed.I have given the SAILMnagement Recruitment (MTT) exam today.
The paper was easy,except for the GK.
Here I am posting few questions and answers I know.
There was no difficulty in solving technical part,the only thing is you should mange the time.


Hitler racism was inspired by :Charless  Darwin


1.Shoe respect rule


2.Gandhi sagar Dam -Chambal River


3.Ground nut largest producer -Andhra Pradesh


4.Unitary form of govt.


5.Country which share federal govt


6.In 1st world war which country did not participate


7.Buddhists “karla” caves located -Maharastra


8.Poorna swaraj session took place at -Lahore


9.World food prize’12 -Daniel hillen


10.Senior security advisor appointed on dec’12


11.Sahitya academi awards

12.Alaknanda & ganga combine at :Dev Prayaga


13.Cricket rules were framed in which year:


14.who started slave denesty :Qutub-ud-din aibak


15.X-rays:  Rhoentgen


16.Which soil is called regur soil?        Black soil


17.The first law of cricket were written in(a)1700 (b) 1744 (c) 1788 (d) 1764


18.Supervisior of formal loan in INDIA:


19.”AAM KE PATTE” book was writtem by:


20.Ford motor partner ship with which company? Tata Motors


21.Frankfurt session


22.Aman sethi got reward for which creation?


23.Volcanic Mountain St. helen is located in which country? The USA