AFCAT -Air Force Common Admission Test 2014 Exam notifications and AFCAT Previous years solved question papers with detailed explanations
AFCAT 2014 is scheduled to be held on 23 Feb 2014
Important Dates for AFCAT 1 2014
Start of receipt of Online Application form: 10/12/2013
Last date for applying application form online: 8/1/2014
Examination date of AFCAT: 23/2/2014
AFCAT 01/2014 Indian Air Force AFCAT-1/2014 -Invites enterprsnng and Adventurous Men and women to join the Indian Air force as commissioned officer in flying technical and Ground duty Branches registration on line application will open on o8th and Will be closed on 7th July 2013
Indian Air Force AFCAT 2014 – Air Force Common Admission Test Written Test Pattern
60% in graduation is required in order to apply for AFCAT 02/2013. Also only online applications are to be filled up.
Last date to fill up online application of AFCAT 02/13 is 07th July 2013.
Date of AFCAT Examinations-25th August 2013
(Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) to be conducted on 25 August 2013 (Sunday)
Time Limit : 2 Hours
No of Questions :100
Positive Marks:3
Negative Marks:1
Examination Type :MCQ
General Awareness
History, Sports, Geography, Environment, Civics, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Current Affairs, Politics etc
Verbal Ability in English
Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary.
Numerical Ability
Decimal Fraction, Simplification, Average, Profit & loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple interest.
Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test
Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.
For more Details AFCAT 2/2013 Men
For more Details AFCAT 2/2013 Women
For all entries other than NDA and CDSE and for all branches, candidates have to undergo the AFCAT.
The test is conducted twice a year in February and September
Advertisements inviting applications for AFCAT are out in June and December. Candidates are to apply as per the advertisement.
The test is conducted all across India by the Indian Air Force
All the selection related communication regarding information on AFCA T and AFSB testing would be communicated to the candidates through E-Mail at their registered E-Mail IDs or through IAF career website
The entrance test will be of two hours duration and will contain multiple choice questions on verbal ability , numerical ability , reasoning ,general awareness and military aptitude. Sample question paper and syllabus of AFCAT is available on IAFcareer website
The testing would consist of three stages as given below
(a) Stage-I Test consisting of Intelligence Test along with other tests will be conducted on the first day
Stage-I test is a screening test and only those who qualify would undergo subsequent testing. All Stage-I qualified candidates would be subjected to document check to ascertain their eligibility for the branches applied for . Those candidates who either do not qualify in Stage I testing or do not meet the required eligibility criteria would be sent back on the first day itself.
(b) Stage-II testing consisting of Psychological test, Group T ests and Interview will be conducted on subsequent days (Four Days).
(c) For Flying Branch: Candidates recommended after Stage-II testing would be administered Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) based on their choice of branch / eligibility