On campus interview procedure

Syntel Off and Pooled ,On campus interview procedure, Syntel free solved sample placement papers, Syntel recruitment process consists on line written test, Group discussion technical and hr interview procedure, syntel written test consists 50 questions in 45 minutes, syntel Group discussion procedure,Syntel programming questions with answers

Sharing my experience during interview in Syntel
Syntel conducts pooled campus drive in all India level zone wise. I am from eastern zone. The drive consists of 4 rounds.viz.

1. Written test
2. Group Discussion
3. Technical interview
4. HR

Syntel Written test was in online mode, which we appeared in our own college on 12th NOV 2011. There were 50 questions to answer in 45mins. The questions was mainly from verbal ability and reasoning. It’s very easy to clear this round, just you need to answer honestly.

Result came on 16th nov 2011,frm my college 7 students cleared that round luckily I was 1 of them.

The rest 3 rounds were on 21st nov 2011.

We reached at the given venue, completed all the formalities. Here The 1st round was GD,1st they divided us into several groups each consisting of 12 members. I n GD they just check communication
skills, my topic was veg vs. non-veg, our interviewer was very much friendly,8from our group cleared this round.

The next round was Technical interview, an interview of around 30 to 45 mins, It was 1 to 1.Interview asked a lot of questions on c,c++,regarding my branch, iq test etc

Syntel Technical Round

1. What is the difference between c & c++?
2. OOP principles…..
3. Write a program using c to check whether a number is prime.
4. Questions on functions of String…..
5. What are the subjects you have read in your b.tech???(I am from ece)
6. How you can implement c in digital signal processing?
7. Tell me about your project
8. You are on a lift, pressing a key to go to your destination, but the lift is not moving, what can be the reason?
9. You have 8ltrs of water in bucket and a 5ltr container & a 3ltr container, How can you divide the water into 2 equal halves?Etc….

The final round was hr. The interviewer was the same person who was there in my GD round. As I have already told he was very friendly. He introduced himself, he never asked me a question, he was just
interacting with me. During interaction he asked on everything based on my resume only
1. Can I know something about you?
2. Have you done any project?
3. Can you explain me your project?
4. What is your biggest achievement so far?
5. Do you have any problem in reallocation?
6. If Syntel sends you abroad & your family doesn’t allow you, then to whom you will select?
7. Do you have anything to ask?Etc….

Finally Hr asked hand with me, there I thought I selected.

Finally after long 2months on 20th jan 2012, result came & 2182 students from India got selected & I was one of