IBS Placement-Paper

IBS came in our college on August 26th 2011,in my college SCT engg college
Hi friends
Iam sharika from sct college of engineering.had my ibs test on 26 of august and the interview on the next day.
The preparation included mainly TIME materials,believe me they were really useful.
The drive began with the preplacement talk on the 26th followed by the test at about noon,it was a one hour test,
you need to concentrate on the quant side basically.
questions were basically from
->profit and loss
->simple interest
->questions like how many weights are required to measure 40 kgs
->some tricky numericals some like whats the unit place of 222^22*333^33 and so on
->look thru the basics of clocks and calenders
->go thru the special types of linear equations
->simple problems of time and work
->age problems are very important

one thing you need to keep in mind is that there is a differential marking scheme. some quests carry 5 marks while others just a mark or two.

The reasoning parts carries more marks/its consists of deductions and logical connectives.
Be thorough with the cubes questions also. they all carry 5 marks. solving them can make u clear the test like I did.
once the test was over it was abt 1.30.we then went home as the result were supposed to cum only by 6.
Iwas lucky enough to clear as ma friend gave a call to say that i need to report at 2 the next day noon for the interview.
The whole night i went thru the basics of all ma subjects. be prepared with a favorite subject. my choice was DBMS.
Technical interview was about for half an hour. I bein a computer science student was asked mainly abt my subjects.they have different panel for all the other branches.
Be confident and speak well. even if you are not sure explain in good English the concept or fact behind it. after the technical part we all waited in a room for the result.
I was selected for the hr interview.
HR interview was basically to test u under stress,remain cool.answer without loosing ur nerves.be thorough with spm if u hav done it as an elective.your weakness, strengths etc…………
why ibs???whats ur hobbies??……………
my interview got over at abt 5……….many were still waitin…..finally the drive got over at abt 8……..the results were announced and luckily my name was there……………..

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