Apps Associates Campus placement held

Apps Associates Campus placement held @ SNIST – Feb19th

65% eligibility
CSE IT ECE EEE ECM MCA were eligible
around 140 ppl attended
45 ppl cleared written
20 cleared GD
13+ cleared Tech
final 8 were selected and i am one among those..

pay scale: 3.0 lksĀ  – 3.25 lks

tech questions asked for me:

2 pannels for Tech round

  • 3*3 matrix multiplication and prime number program was asked to write..
  • asked to write pseudo code for merge sort… after 2 min he asked me to stop writing andĀ  asked to explain logic..
  • few questions on SQL queries . … easy one…
  • PL/SQL – he asked abt procedures, triggers, functions n diff b/w them here some questions where tricky..
  • normal questions on C and C++ concepts
  • asked abt wikimedia coding and syntax as i wrote in my resume .. i wrote an example for that
  • asked what is flex as i said my final proj UI is flex
  • he asked in details abt all 4 projects which i did..
  • ur profile appears to be high so why have u choosed Apps?.. why couldn’t u get thru TCS? (earlier i attended for TCS but couldn’t clear wrriten test itself)
  • how will u suit to our requirements?
  • asked some HR question in tech .. but were easy …..
  • he asked me what DB technologies are u comfort with…

this is what i remember ..entire tech round was abt 40 min..

HR rounds

HR was a lady . ..there was only one panel for HR.
this round was tricky for me as i kept on answering ..

  • tell me abt urself .. very common one .. but she asked showing my resume ..
  • how can u suite ur self to apps?
  • ur close family relative died and u have dead lines in office .. what do u do..
  • ur mother is very ill u got Doctor appointment after trying for long time and at same time u have deadline in office ..what do u do?
  • any proactive and reactive situation in life..
  • asked abt my projects …
  • i said i have good managerial skills , leadership bhla bhla .. asked example for each..
  • after working for Apps for 2 yrs u got opportunity from another company is offering triple the salary .. what would u do?
  • wher do u want to see 5yrs down the line?
  • u are 2 in team .. u did entire work and credit goes to ur partner( ur partner is close friend to u)
  • asked my hobbies.. my hobbies gave her chance to ask few more questions on tht. .. in supporting to my hobbies i told i wrote a wiki page on Apps in wikipedia .. but content got deleted as i copy pasted content from official site i just pasted it as there was no time to update last nite…. but page is still available in wiki
  • how do u balance personal life ? and work life?
  • u are working in a domain u r excelled in that and what do u do if mgr asks u to work in another domain?

this is what i remember.. and in Tech round .. he asked one question each for the technologies / langs i mentioned in my resume..

she asked 3 time continuously that are u interested to join Apps..

Results were announced after 2 days and i was selected…

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