Apps Associates Placement-Paper

Hai amigos,
This is Abhishek frm MVSREC ,Hyderabad.Iam here to share my experience wid Apps recruitment     process and the style of ques there.
Apps visited our campus in march,2010. It really employed a good recruitment team nd a healthy selection criteria. The day has 4 rounds in whole of which evryone is a knock-out(filtering ones). It goes this way
1) Written

Technical. and 2 more sections. Each section consists of 10 ques and SECTIONAL cut-off is 7   ques(marks) in each round. Aptitude is a simple one.
English was a bit tough. In this stage, technical is a challenge. But you can crack it once u brush up all da basics of c,c++,  DBMS. You get the ques asking output of a program, some queries. We were asked over views in database.
Its good if you enter the hall aftr preparing some vocabulary and grammar basics.
2) Group Discussion
This is the round where he can test ur language proficiency and group behaviour. Look professional  in the room.Have a good etiquette.
Topics given to us are      Is Tech Dependency good or bad, Is India Land of opportunities, Public and Private sectors.
It is one more hurdle to cross. They check ur progmng skills, Prob-solving skills, ur approach towards a problem. It went on for 50 min 4 me and more than 1 hr for some of my frns. They test ur tech knowledge thoroughly. I was asked DB queries, C programs. It wud be a smooth sail if u r perfect in ur fav subject. They even put some ques on that. Be prepared 4 some puzzles and some unexpected ques.
Mine was a two member panel. They were really kind to me.They gave me ample of time to answer ques nd puzzles. I was made to feel comfortable.
It was quite a normal one and prepare 4 frequently asked ques. Treat HR just like a frn and u can be right there.
Take ur time to answer ques.

After this tedious jrny of 4 rounds,finally I was in. I must thank all my panel members 4 their support. One important advice I wud like to render in interviews is BE YOURSELF. it really  means a lot when u r in tough competition.
Actually APPS was my 4th interview. I was really panic then, but believe in destiny. Do ur job and leave result to the abone one