
Here I got 1 CSC placement paper and i’m posting it for you all. this year they have changed their pattern entirely, emphasis has shifted to java and programming. I do not remember all questions and these are based on memory of my friens and myself .

1.C# is a native language of:
A.Java        B. .Net         C.Visual Basic

2.What is IMP in Objective C
A.Implementation pointer         B.Important Pointer     C.Intended Pointer

3.The width in bits of double primitive type in Java is –. Select the one correct answer.
1. The width of double is platform dependent    2. 64     3. 128   4. 8    5. 4

4.What would happen when the following is compiled and executed. Select the one correct answer.
2. class example {
3.   int x;
4.   int y;
5.   String name;
6.   public static void main(String args[]) {
7.          example pnt = new example();
8.          System.out.println(“pnt is ” + +
9.                  ” ” + pnt.x + ” ” + pnt.y);
10.   }
11. }
1. The program does not compile because x, y and name are not initialized.
2. The program throws a runtime exception as x, y, and name are used before initialization.
3. The program prints pnt is 0 0.
4. The program prints pnt is null 0 0.
5. The program prints pnt is NULL false

5.Which of these lines will compile? Select all correct answers.
1. short s = 20;
2. byte b = 128;
3. char c = 32;
4. double d = 1.4;;
5. float f = 1.4;
6. byte e = 0;

6.What is contained in the directory /proc?:
a. System information        b. Administrative procedures        c. Boot procedures           d. Documentation on your sytem

8.    Transactions per rollback segment is derived from[DBA]
a. Db_Block_Buffer         b. Processes,          c. Shared_Pool_Size,
d. None of the above

9. These following parameters are optional in init.ora parameter file DB_BLOCK_SIZE, PROCESSES
a True, b False Ans : False

10.What is the purpose of different record methods 1) Record 2) Pass up 3) As Object 4) Ignore.

11.While running DOS on a PC, which command would be used to duplicate the entire diskette:

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