true discount aptitude questions


Rs. 20 is the true discount on Rs. 260 due after a certain time. What will be the true discount on the same sum due after half of the former time, the rate of interest being the same?
A.     Rs. 10    B.     Rs. 10.40
C.     Rs. 15.20    D.     Rs. 13
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


S.I. on Rs. (260 – 20) for a given time = Rs. 20.

S.I. on Rs. 240 for half the time = Rs. 10.

T.D. on Rs. 250 = Rs. 10.

T.D. on Rs. 260 = Rs.         10     x 260         = Rs. 10.40


The interest on Rs. 750 for 2 years is the same as the true discount on Rs. 960 due 2 years hence. If the rate of interest is the same in both cases, it is:
A.     12%    B.     14%
C.     15%    D.
16     2     %
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


S.I. on Rs. 750 = T.D. on Rs. 960.

This means P.W. of Rs. 960 due 2 years hence is Rs. 750.

T.D. = Rs. (960 – 750) = Rs. 210.

Thus, S.I. on R.s 750 for 2 years is Rs. 210.

Rate =         100 x 210     %     = 14%
750 x 2


The simple interest and the true discount on a certain sum for a given time and at a given rate are Rs. 85 and Rs. 80 respectively. The sum is:
A.     Rs. 1800    B.     Rs. 1450
C.     Rs. 1360    D.     Rs. 6800
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


Sum =     S.I. x T.D.     =     85 x 80     = Rs. 1360.
(S.I.) – (T.D.)     (85 – 80)


The present worth of Rs. 1404 due in two equal half-yearly installments at 8% per annum simple interest is:
A.     Rs. 1325    B.     Rs. 1300
C.     Rs. 1350    D.     Rs. 1500
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


Required sum     = P.W. of Rs. 702 due 6 months + P.W. of Rs. 702 due 1 year hence

= Rs.             100 x 702         +
100 x 702
100 + (8 x 1)

100 + 8 x
= Rs. (675 + 650)
= Rs. 1325.

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