spotting errors verbal ability questions

Read the each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is ‘D’. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).


(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     I wonder     B.     how am I
C.     to do it     D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


how I am going
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     He is not to blame
B.     for what has happened
C.     for he is in no way connected with it.
D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


He is not to be blamed
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     Had you not
B.     reached in time
C.     he would have lost allour belongings.
D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


we would have lost all our belongings
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     The man told to her
B.     that he had not brought his dog
C.     out for a walk as he was afraid that it would rain.
D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


The man told her
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     If I am you     B.     I would have seen to it
C.     that I won the prize.    D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


If I were you
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     It is unfortunate that    B.     many youngsters get
C.     addicted to gamble.    D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


addicted to gambling
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     Kamala’s fountain-pen    B.     is as expensive
C.     as Shyama.    D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


as Shyama’s
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     When we consider all the factors, which are many,
B.     the number of school dropouts
C.     are quite disturbing.
D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


is quite disturbing
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     She has never    B.     approve of him
C.     working as a clerk.    D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


approved of his
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     At the station,     B.     I’ll hire a coolie
C.     to carry my baggages    D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


to carry my baggage
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     The number of marks carried by each question
B.     are indicated
C.     at the end of the question
D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


is indicated
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     There is no question    B.     of my failing
C.     in the examination.    D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


of me failing
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     She is     B.     no longer popular as she has
C.     a friends     D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


few friends
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     It is necessary    B.     that everybody
C.     must have a house.    D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


should have a house
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(solve as per the direction given above)
A.     Students should not take part
B.     in party politics and political demonstrations
C.     as they interfere in serious study
D.     No error.
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


‘as they interfere with serious study’

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