sentence improvement verbality questions


The poor villagers have waited in the bitter cold for more than 4 hours now.
A.     have been waiting    B.     had waited
C.     has been waiting    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option A


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The old man felled some trees in the garden with hardly no effort at all.
A.     hard effort    B.     hardly any effort
C.     a hardly any effort    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option B


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The company goes to great length to ensure that employees can be comfortable in their work environment.
A.     are comfortable    B.     will be comfortable
C.     should be comfortable    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option A


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I want you to clearly understand that excuses won’t do
A.     you clearly to understand    B.     you to understand clearly
C.     to clearly understand you    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option D


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He was fined for careless driving.
A.     got fined    B.     fined
C.     was to be fined    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option D


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Although India is still by far a poor country, it can become rich if its natural and human resources are fully utilised.
A.     few and far between    B.     by and large
C.     by and by    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option B


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The reason why he wrote the letter was because he could not contact him over the phone.
A.     why he wrote the letter was since
B.     for which he wrote the letter because
C.     why he wrote the letter was that
D.     No improvement
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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