sentence improvement verbality questions

78. As he is past his teens now, he can look for himself.
A. after B. to
C. around D. No improvement

Answer: Option A


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79. There is no more room for you in this compartment.
A. there is no more seat B. there is no more space
C. there is no more accommodation D. No improvement

Answer: Option B


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80. Most donors would seriously protest any effort to extrapolate from such limited data.
A. protest against B. protest at
C. protest to D. No improvement

Answer: Option A


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81. She says she’s already paid me back, but I can’t remember, so I ‘ll have to take her word.
A. to take her word true B. to take her at her word
C. to take her word for it D. No improvement

Answer: Option B


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82. If you had attended the meeting, you would have benefited a great deal.
A. could benefit B. would benefit
C. benefited D. No improvement

Answer: Option D


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83. This matter admits of no excuse.
A. admits to B. admits from
C. admits D. No improvement

Answer: Option D


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84. If he would have tried he would have succeeded.
A. is tried B. was tried
C. had tried D. No improvement

Answer: Option C


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