sentence improvement verbality questions


It will be no good trying to find an excuse next time.
A.     to try to find    B.     to try finding
C.     trying finding    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option A


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Please remind me of posting these letters to my relatives.
A.     by posting    B.     to post
C.     for posting    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option B


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Not a word they spoke to the unfortunate wife about it
A.     did they speak    B.     they will speak
C.     they had spoken    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option A


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Not long back, in Japan, a mysterious nerve gas affected a large number of people.
A.     effected    B.     infected
C.     infested    D.     No improvement
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We had nothing to eat since 8’o clock, this morning.
A.     have had nothing    B.     has had nothing
C.     did have nothing    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option A


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We did not see this movie yet.
A.     have seen    B.     have not seen
C.     have seen    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option B


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My friend was in hospital for a week after an accident.
A.     through    B.     following
C.     for    D.     No improvement
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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