sentence improvement verbality questions

92. All, but her, had made an attempt.
A. All, but she, B. All, but herself,
C. All, but her, D. No improvement

Answer: Option A


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93. Whatever to our other problems. we have no shortcoming to cheap labour in India.
A. default B. deficit
C. scarcity D. No improvement

Answer: Option C


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94. I have lived in Delhi since I was four.
A. am living B. lived
C. had lived D. No improvement

Answer: Option D


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95. This telephone number is not existing.
A. has not existed B. does not exist
C. has not been existing D. No improvement

Answer: Option B


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96. I shall not go untill I am invited.
A. till I am invited B. Unless I am invited
C. if not I am invited D. No improvement

Answer: Option B


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97. He died in the year 1960 at 11pm on 14 July.
A. on 14 July in the year 1960 at 11pm
B. in the year 1960 on 14 July at 11pm
C. at 11pm on 14 July in the year 1960
D. No improvement

Answer: Option C


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98. Due to these reason we are all in favour of universal compulsory education.
A. Out of these reasons B. For these reasons
C. By these reasons D. No improvement

Answer: Option B


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