idioms and phrases verbality questions


The recent film “Secular India” has tried to keep the pot of Muslim women’s Bill boiling
A.     Earning enough to keep body and soul together
B.     Keep a controversy alive
C.     Boil the bill
D.     Boil something in a pot
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Answer: Option B


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The robber took to his heels when the police arrived.
A.     opened fire    B.     hid himself
C.     ran off    D.     surrendered
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Answer: Option C


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You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
A.     Enjoy forever
B.     Have it both ways
C.     Run away from responsibility
D.     Absolve yourself of guilt
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Answer: Option B


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The rebels held out for about a month
A.     waited    B.     retreated
C.     bargained    D.     resisted
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Answer: Option D


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The new economic policy is likely to run into rough weather.
A.     create problems    B.     encounter difficulties
C.     confuse matters    D.     makes things difficult
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Answer: Option B


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The old father brought home the moral of unity by asking each of his sons to break the bundle of sticks
A.     emphasised    B.     voiced
C.     declared    D.     suggested
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Answer: Option A


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If you give John all your money, you are likely to burn your fingers.
A.     be unhappy    B.     be happy
C.     suffer    D.     be ill
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Answer: Option C


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I am sure they will fight tooth and nail for their rights.
A.     with all their might    B.     without any other weapon
C.     resorting to violence    D.     very cowardly
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Answer: Option A


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We were in hurry. The road being zigzag we had to cut off a corner to reach in time.
A.     To cut a portion of the road
B.     To take a short cut
C.     To go fast
D.     To take an alternative route
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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