idioms and phrases verbality questions


Sobhraj could be easily arrested because the police were tipped off in a advance.
A.     Toppled over    B.     Bribed
C.     Given advance information    D.     Threatened
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Answer: Option C


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I met him after a long time, but he gave me the cold shoulder.
A.     scolded me    B.     insulted me
C.     abused me    D.     ignored me
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Answer: Option D


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He passed himself off as a noble man.
A.     Was regarded as    B.     Pretended to be
C.     Was thought to be    D.     Was looked upon
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Answer: Option B


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This matter has been hanging fire for the last many months and must therefore be decided one way or the other.
A.     going on slowly    B.     hotly debated
C.     stuck up    D.     ignored
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Answer: Option A


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In the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to die in harness.
A.     die on a horse back    B.     die in the battlefield
C.     die while still working    D.     die with honour
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Answer: Option C


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The cricket match proved to be a big draw.
A.     a keen contest    B.     a huge attraction
C.     a lovely spectacle    D.     a game without any result
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Answer: Option B


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When he heard that he had once again not been selected he lost heart.
A.     became desperate    B.     felt sad
C.     became angry    D.     became discouraged
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Answer: Option D


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He was undecided. He let the grass grow under his feet.
A.     loitered around    B.     stayed out
C.     sat unmoving    D.     moved away
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Answer: Option A


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Although he has failed in the written examination, he is using backstairs influence to get the job.
A.     Political influence
B.     Backing influence
C.     Deserving and proper influence
D.     Secret and unfair influence
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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