idioms and phrases verbality questions


He is an interesting speaker but tends to go off at a tangent.
A.     change the subject immediately
B.     forget things in between
C.     go on at great length
D.     become boisterous
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Answer: Option A


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He sold his house for a song.
A.     at a reasonable price    B.     at a discount
C.     very cheaply    D.     at a premium
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Answer: Option C


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Despite the trust bestowed on the minister he turned out to be a snake in the grass during the revolution.
A.     a secret enemy    B.     a treacherous person
C.     an unforeseen danger    D.     an unexpected misfortune
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Answer: Option A


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Women should be paid the same as men when they do the same job, for, surely what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
A.     What is thought suitable pay for a man should also be for a woman
B.     Goose and the gender eat the same sauce
C.     Both goose and gander should be equally treated
D.     The principle of equal treatment should be implemented
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Answer: Option A


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The party stalwarts have advised the President to take it lying down for a while.
A.     to be cautious    B.     to be on the defensive
C.     to take rest    D.     to show no reaction
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Answer: Option D


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The thief took to his heels when he saw a policeman on the beat.
A.     had some pain in his heels    B.     ran away from the scene
C.     confronted the policeman    D.     could not decide what to do
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Answer: Option B


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He struck several bad patches before he made good.
A.     came across bad soil
B.     Had a bad time
C.     Went through many illness
D.     Had many professional difficulties
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Answer: Option D


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The accounts of the murder made her flesh creep.
A.     Made her sad    B.     Surprised her
C.     Made her cry bitterly    D.     Fill her with horror
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Answer: Option D


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How long will the people put up with the increasing economic hardships?
A.     welcome    B.     take easily
C.     remain satisfied with    D.     tolerate
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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